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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. I've never read it, but is it likes Baden Powell's best seller "Scouting for Boys"?
  2. Tony/Jack Could you just pencil outline the format please? I was hoping to come Sat am, but a window of opportunity has arisen for some help with welding in the morning at least. In addition there are some domestic influences. So is much planned for sat? I don't know whether to end up arriving late sat pm with cipher trailer & spend a cold night on the plain. Or enjoy creature comforts here & pop down in Wolf on Sunday. So if it is Sunday when do we meet & where are we going? Are there any particular routes planned or is it a general bimble about?
  3. Yes I agree but this is in the morning of a weekday, everything is that much faster. Apart from sites themselves, on a non school holiday morning my broadband can be as fast as 5.9mbs but a weekend evening it can go down to half that. So it's fairly ok for me but the new forum is always the slowest site I go to. Are there too many fancy bits bolted on now?
  4. Neil, that looks rather posh are you going to be playing the drums then?
  5. Richard, there's a funny little microswitch sort of thing that actually is clamped onto a gap on the choke cable itself with two Lucar terminals on it.
  6. I seldom see these magazines now as I don't often go where there are big shops. But the last time I was in WHS I was spotted by someone I know as I flicked through CMV. They gave me a wink & a knowing look as CMV was placed between the Gay Times & Classic Bus. Now do I look as if I collect buses?
  7. This could be very easily if you recognise the units or take a lot of working out if you don't! 1. What army does this relate to? 2. When? Please have a go. Just so that Richard doesn't get this in one shot, I'll post the answers at the weekend.
  8. Tyler do we really have to bring this sort of thing up? What do you want quotas or something? I come across people in the hobby & the public who I suppose, if one has to think about it - but why should I, who are from minority groups. So what, the're just ordinary people with an interest & that's it. Are you suggesting we have to mentally subdivide people into us & others then perform calculations about it? In my last job towards the end I couldn't refer people to a hospital without filling out a whole page of nonsense about their origins, which made my blood boil, we are all just people, does everybody have to have a label. Let's forget about boundaries, it shouldn't make any difference. People are people & that's it & let's just get on with life.
  9. Yes well done Richard it is indeed an Anti-Tank Guided Missile, obvious now isn'it! Although this is a US patent, somewhere I have a PRO document of a British spherical ATGM. I forgotten the name it was something like Green Grass/Cheese/Water. I know it was none of those but something similar. Anyway here is the link that describes the missile in detail that I have been getting the pictures from & apologies to R.S.Rae for not including the name on the drawings. But I know you lot would have just googled that in & got to it that way. Although I did do that & google gets bogged down in Royal Aircraft Establisment. BTW google-patents has quite a feast of the unusual & intriguing but it is restricted to US patents. http://www.google.com/patents?id=TfROAAAAEBAJ&dq=anti+tank+guided+weapon
  10. Oh for goodness sake chaps pull yourselfs together, no that doesn't sound quite right. But the answer when it comes, will be pretty obvious & there will be some self-kicking & "Oh I should have thought of that".
  11. Nope They support the sphere prior to flight to stop it rolling around.
  12. But might it not be a weapon in its own right? Yes, spookily enough it was the same year that the requirement for Orange William was drawn up :shake: & even more spookily my avatar on the left is an Orange William!
  13. Why do you want to get some sleep tonight? Not so much that but you might loose control if the openings below 260 & 112 don't face you. Also pitch & yaw get lost making control difficult something on the land
  14. Nope yes there is No i don't think that was the primary reason
  15. No not really, it is the shape that is confusing people.
  16. No idea, but Andrew you leading yourself up the garden path on this line of thinking. There are weapons system in service today that perform the role proposed for these jet powered balls.
  17. Had to google that one, but nope
  18. Yes Golden Yellow BSC 356. But the panels are not painted, they are vinyl. RAF Vocab No 32B/1489.
  19. Nope Nope, I'm not that clever. Well does this help or confuse?
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