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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Jack, military authors seem to find that a very significant factor for a publisher is whether it can be sold in sufficient numbers in the USA. I suspect your leanings would mean that it could be. But people writing about British equipment are up against it. Although if you want to write about aeroplanes & railway engines I suspect there is less of a problem than British MVs.
  2. Jack, maybe try here: http://www.tankograd.com/cms/website.php?id=/en/index/kontakt/autoren.htm
  3. Lee, 0.75 - 0.8mm but with Jolley electronic ignition because there is such a good spark I think it can be increased to 1.0 - 1.14 mm. When I get fouling up it was due to leaving the choke out longer than I should have. I solved this by disconnecting the choke. If its not been run for a few days, I prime the carb from the David pump. Before start up I give two pumps on accelerator pedal then start up & keep foot off pedal for a good half minute. Then away she goes.
  4. Neil, not really fair to add the breakdown cover as that is a seperate thing altogether. I don't bother with lost key cover as three of the vehicles don't have locks! But in this day & age, I feel legal expenses very worthwhile. My wife had a RTA in her car last year. There was no insurance claim that could have been successful so the insurance companies backed off. BUT she had nasty & frightening letters from solicitors who were going to pursue her in a civil action. Fortunately she had legal cover & her solicitors responded & it all stopped. I have now insured my cipher trailer not just for the value if it is stolen or damaged, but for the public liability cover for its presence at shows & legal expenses cover to try to avoid any insurance shortfall in liability "try ons".
  5. Yes it does goes up slightly. Currently £130 with Roadsure for cover on five armoured vehicles each valued at £3,000. Seems reasonable to me, but I'm not a young driver like Neil :-D
  6. I'm not greatly interested in uniforms & regalia, but I do have a soft spot for pith helmets. They conjure up a certain nostalgia & above all are very practical, so much so in the hotter weather I can sometimes be seen wearing such a device. Here is a nice little article about them. http://www.militarytrader.com/Default.aspx?tabid=2041&articleid=5987&articlemid=5693#5693Articles
  7. Do you know if these are the original Saxon AT105 APCs or the Saxon Patrol APCs with Cummins engine deployed in N.Ireland? I do think they are horrible things. They have such poor visibility, in that you see a rather windswept commander stood in the turret even driving along the motorway. They are cumbersome & have a much wider turning circle than the Pig they replaced.
  8. Thats nothing. This ain't for putting out fires! They have been refilled with something else. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v684/fv1620/SquirtRover.jpg[/img]
  9. Chris Ludgershall I think (your flashing avatar makes my ed urt & has something driven over that ferret?)
  10. and water cannon. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v684/fv1620/52EK60.jpg[/img]
  11. Chris I've not seen any of them outside depots. On that Ludgershall visit there were two plain white Spartans & two yellow ones, all in good condition. So I don't know it they were rangemasters or adjudicators but seems a bit elaborate for those roles.
  12. The FV432 was seen at Ashchurch 2002. This CVR(T) was at Ludgershall in 1995.
  13. Because they always park them in a roe?
  14. They also had Goliath & Bombolans AFVs but if you saw those then you may have smelt a rat. The aircraft were interesting Scorpion, Tarantula, Cobra, Python, Asp & Viper. A few names have since got used amongst those including Cobra & Python which were ATGWs.
  15. Yup something like that well done. No doubt operated by the Fantasians! I put it here really as a clue to Mystery Object No.24 to see if it would trigger any thoughts, but it seems not.
  16. Bit of a tricky one, this army does not actually exist! It is the Fantasian Army created by the British Army for training purposes. Richard was the closest in that the Fantasians had a similarity to the Soviet Army & the era was correct, this handbook is from 1953.
  17. Does anyone want to have a final go before I reveal all later this afternoon? Richard is the closest (although I think he is fantasising a bit).
  18. Sort of, could be, but not necessarily.
  19. More clues here for those who need to reconsider.
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