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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Stone ok I was able to do that, but I couldn't find my Pig clips at all. For the moment I've put it back to the mobile view mode as I think it helps minimise download costs when using it on the phone network & I have had a more important problem. Had a setback with Android applications. After lunch & into the evening I lost my phone signal & unable to access any of the three local repeaters that I can get in different places around the house & garden. I was just getting "restricted service, emergency calls only" I have a 'pay as you go' on the same network & that was working. I thought maybe a direct debit had failed & I had been cut off for non-payment. But it wasn't that. Then I remembered I downloaded three very basic applications after lunch: Ruler Green 'Analog' Compass Note Pad (Andro Apps) They all worked fine, but I suspected one of these or the combination of these had shut down access to the phone network. I uninstalled them all. Then shut the phone down & this took about 5 minutes. I waited a few minutes & started up & my phone is now working. I now realise I should have just downloaded one application & saw how I got on with that. Then another day do another download. These all seem small & simple applications. I avoid installing things that want access to the phone & private data eg one scientific calculator wants access to all sorts of things that seem dubious. Given there are so many applications in the Android market, it seems just anybody can put up stuff for the unwitting to download.
  2. Bernard I often get this, particularly using the phone. It takes a few seconds before the fancy skin covers the internal workings of the page. Got this alot last week at gdsf where WiFi was only 128kbs. Perhaps your connection speed is very slow?
  3. Wayne just been doing a bit of cross-checking on yours. Although the record cards shows it was Struck Off on 9/8/67. That was not the date it was sold. The next auction was on 3-6 October. But yours was sold on the second day of the auction on 28-30 Nov 1967. On that page alone there were 22 Pigs. Three of them were annotated in the catalogue by the dealer as "U/S" yet they fetched the highest prices £70, £80 & £85. You will be relieved to know yours was not one of these:-D As you know yours sold for £40. The average for the rest was £40-£55. This suggests to me that the winning bidders were seduced either by a smart appearance of the Pigs or the fact that they had winches. To this day many feel that having a winch on a vehicle adds to the macho properties of the vehicle. Just speculation, but I wonder if the U/S Pigs looked so nice because they failed early on in their service life & were shunted away in a depot & that is why they looked in much better condition than the others? One also has to wonder if the users were fully competent in operating the winch gear? Looking at the next page although there were some winch Pigs they fetched normal sort of prices, yet one marked U/S went for £70, I suppose that one failed early on & consequently looked relatively unused? BTW there were 4 Matadors on that page they fetched £300, £346, £350 & £350. Yet the dealer had written against them all "NO, ROUGH".
  4. When surfing on the android I do find some sites have a slightly different structure specially for mobiles. From what I can work out many image based things only download on command & some things don't download at all. I notice on youtube there are far more clips available on the main PC than on the phone. You get directed to a special mobile version of youtube. But some do show up listed on the phone but are not available for mobile download, like my twp Pig clips:( I suppose a page can load quicker with less imagery appearing automatically. Although not an issue with wifi but if you are on the phone network then all these images, unless you specifically want to download them, would eat quickly into you monthly allowance. But the main reason I got this android (HTC Desire) was to use it as a reference source. Apart from representative photo album of favourite vehicles, it is the pdf viewer that is really useful. I have just loaded into the phone the complete Humber 1-Ton parts book & catalogues of the books & EMERs I have. This is about 4,000 titles & saves carrying around a rather heavy A4 binder. So tomorrow the Wolf parts book goes on:D
  5. What a delight it would be to view all those vehicles. So nice to see just vehicles themselves from every angle without dioramas & nonsense. No Humbers mind you but I would find all those wagons worth a close look.
  6. Are you sure? I suppose you must be, you've been able to climb all over it. Its just that I have an AESP catalogue in front of me & 2320-K-200 is designated "Truck Armoured Patrol Mk 2 (APV2) 4x4 6.5LTR Diesel GMC". If you are really sure & it is a military blunder why did they get it so wrong? I wonder if it was a carry over from 2320-D-150 "Truck Utility Command Post GMC" was that an earlier sort of thing? Some Tavern pics here: http://www.warwheels.net/TavernAPVindex.html PS ah I see they are all part of the same company:D
  7. Ideally I would suggest tracing the route of this wire back. This colour combination is used by other parts of the loom so identifying the same colours may not be sure fire. I have a cable tracer that injects a RF signal down a particular wire, holding a receiver/bleeper allows the wire to be followed even when it is buried in a loom. Try to see what else other than the generator lies within the radius of reach of this wire. I am particularly thinking of both 24v ignition warning light relays & the 24v ignition warning light blackout relay. If it is not within reach of these I imagine it would go to the -ve side of the shunt/ammeter junction. It shouldn't go to the alternator as it must go to the 24v supply after the fuse. If all else fails it is certainly tempting to diagnostically connect the wire via say a 1A fuse to the the 24+ terminal of the radio batteries. Then see if the warning light comes on & goes out with charging. I have a lot of 2320-D-122 AESPs & FAESPs. There is disappointing coverage on the 24v system although there is some detailed alternator fault finding.
  8. Martin when you saw brown & white, you mean brown with white trace I assume? Its just that white with brown trace is the lead to the oil pressure switch.
  9. Yes No, although it would work, it just depends if someone has removed the ammeter & shunt. The route for this wire is as you say from the ignition warning light, but it is fed by resistors that are fed by the same coloured wires from the ignition warning light relay & the ignition warning light blackout relay. At the junction of the resistors & the ignition warning light feed there is a same coloured wire that goes to the -ve side of the ammeter & then on to the -ve side of the shunt. So your loose wire is one of these. Do you still have the ammeter & shunt fitted? I see the Data Summary rates this at 90A. I know the S3 was rated at 90A but that was to deliver the requirements for the vehicle as well as the radios. But here this 24v alternator is an auxiliary source exclusively for the radios, but I see the main fuse for this is only rated at 50A:???
  10. Possibly if it was waterproofed. This could be the aged remnants of Prestikon (awful pun isn't it!) that was liberally applied particularly over electrical fittings & unions. It is depicted as red/pink in the EMERs I have for preparing the Rover 1. Wayne I wouldn't attach too much significance to it. As a trained MT mechanic Dale would always follow proper workshop discipline & would wear the right thing for the job & have the right tools. He much preferred the use of old rags to kitchen roll & no doubt acquired these rags whenever the opportunity arose. His adherence to good workshop practices was based on practicalities of doing the job in hand & the safety implications. He was not taken in by some of the frivolities of extreme H&S. I remember him objecting to being sent on a course to train staff to tie up their shoe laces in an approved manner before his employer would issue any new footwear to the staff.
  11. Not able to try first with HTC Android. Feedback is split 50-50. Some very strong views for & against. I think I'll hold off for a while & get my speed up on this phone. Do any forums have a logo to indicate they use this system?
  12. Probably being a bit slow on this one but why pay $2.99 when I can just use my Android to post as I am doing now?
  13. No, I wouldn't put it quite as strongly as that, although Daniel is a good friend.
  14. GTI? Hmm, mine was originally built as a coupe in 1956
  15. When you say the FFR bits were removed do you just mean the wiring for the radio batteries has been removed or do you mean the whole 24v system has gone? If you still have the original Generator Panel No.9 you need to check that the contacts on the main BCK relay have not melted. These contacts join not just the radio batteries to the generator output but also the vehicle batteries. If you have a Mk 4 or late Mk 3 or upgraded Mk 3, then the shunt box has a 150A fast-blow fuse but this is just in the radio battery circuit.
  16. Thank you. Although it's interesting I sometimes get disdainful looks when she starts up as "your engine sounds a bit rough mate" or "you need to change your water pump". Well the dynamo is the culprit in making a screechy sound. It is relatively new but despite following the instructions about topping it up with oil unless used recently it doesn't sound mechanically in good order. But after a few minutes everything quietens down.
  17. Rick I wouldn't know, I never go there, the forum is the only bit I've ever used. But I'm on the mailing list to get notification of this weekly MOD news service which is quite wide ranging: http://www.modoracle.com/?utm_source=Weekly_Newsletter&utm_campaign=100909&utm_medium=Section1
  18. Paul probably about the same, but stopping is the real issue. Yes & if in the unlikely event of it breaking down, you can have a lie down in the back not so easy with a Ferret.
  19. Martyn link doesn't work for me. Just get this: Invalid Attachment specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator
  20. Out for a drive in the New Forest in search of a cream tea! Film shot by Daniel over here from The Netherlands. Going home after a nice tea in a nice pub with a nice view. (Shame about the wasps!)
  21. Andy I don't know how things have changed over the years but the cornerstone of the Wireless Telegraphy Act 1949 was that without the necessary licence it was not only illegal to use the equipment but also to establish or install it. In a similar way, it would be no defence to say you had a shotgun with no licence but had no intention to use it.
  22. Out of curiosity I just wonder what those channels are? I used to operate on 13cm when the band went down to 2.300 GHz. We used to centre on 2.304 GHz. About 25 years ago I suddenly started getting trouble with an unmodulated carrier appearing for about 30 mins a day. It was sometimes difficult to get a bearing until I twigged it was coming from above. As I lost contact with it a Dutch amateur was able follow it for a further period. After a few months the UK licence allocation changed with the seizure of this part of the band which now started at 2.310 GHz. A real problem working other countries where the allocation remained & a major problem for people using 1152 MHz to multiply up to all the microwave allocations of the time.
  23. Here comes the winner who we thought wasn't going to make it into the arena in time. A well known Pig & Scammell owner from this very forum! Photo courtesy of Mark Barnes, showing Andy receiving his W&P award & the prestigeous Humber brass plaque. Ashley is presenting the award in memory of his dad & mum Alison on the right.
  24. Well I thought it was all settled. I returned both phones within 12 hours of being activated as I found I was unable to use the phones from home as we were told we could. I had the contracts terminated by the manager of the shop who gave me a receipt for the returned phones. I thought it all went fairly smoothly & felt pleased that '3' although unable to provide the service "as made known at the time of purchase" had behaved helpfully & graciously. BUT that has all changed. '3' did not process my cancellation for a further week. I am now being billed for the use of the network for that week for the phones that I no longer possess. OK £10 odd not a major sum, but the stupidity & annoyance of being billed has got up my nose. Something potential customers of that network night like to consider. :banghead:
  25. Hmm. Although I have pure maths & applied maths as separate A level subjects most of it is long forgotten.:cry: I was just quoting from the Data Section of the User Handbook, also gives it as 10,528 lb.
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