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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Yes well done again Richard! You are doing well. Just these four now, well three really as 1 & 2 are the same thing.
  2. It isn't Richard. I have never actually seen this symbol in use but as this is from a 1950s publication I assume it has long since become redundant.
  3. So that just leaves these: So we have 1 & 2 that have the same meaning. 4 & 5 are very unlikely to be used together & never with 7
  4. Yes Richard very good well done! Yes Richard very good well done! Nope, wrong colour :-D
  5. A good line of thought Wally, I can see what you mean, but its not that. Actually 1 & 2 have the same meaning, they are just examples of the same thing. The important thing is that the arrows are close to each other to convey this meaning.
  6. Wally it certainly looks as if they might be that sort of thing, but nope. Some of these are related to each other & some are not. Although all these particular examples happen to come from the same era.
  7. A good interpretation Richard, I hadn't thought of that. But its something else & the marking would be smaller than those on a road sign.
  8. What are these markings all about? The number top left is just for identification purposes. You can have a go at as many or as few as you wish at any one time. (The ratio of the image sizes is not important, its just the way they happened to turn out)
  9. Ray you would have the series in EMEI (AUST) as opposed to the British EMER. The content may be similar but would often include things relevant to or developed by that particular theatre. The structure would be broadly along similar lines but the detail of structure is different. For instance the Ferret series in UK is contained in EMER WHEELED VEHICLES V 620 - 629 whereas yours would be EMEI(AUST) VEHICLES N 400 - 409. To complicate it further these local instructions will have no direct commonality with other theatres eg EMEI(BAOR). To try to differentiate them from an EMER they should formally referred to as LOCAL E&MEI eg LOCAL E&MEI (N.IRELAND). Australia does not seem to use the "LOCAL" prefix. Whereas British controlled ones use "LOCAL" & even a matter that applies to just the UK it may not be in an EMER but a UK E&MEI. Then once there were EMECs as well! http://www.hmvf.co.uk/pdf/EMER4.pdf
  10. Ray sorry for the delay, I now have a proper PC & connection. These are what I am after, some may be familiar some may not be. The one at the top of the list was introduced in 1867 so the last 150 years of publications are of interest. AC – Army Circulars ACI – Air Council Instructions AESP - Army Equipment Support Publication AO – Army Orders COSA – Catalogue of Ordnance Stores & Ammunition CP – Chilwell Publications CR – Clothing Regulations DCI – Defence Council Instructions EMEC - Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Circulars EMEI - Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Instructions EMER – Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Regulations EMPL – Equipment Management Policy Letter EMPS – Equipment Management Policy Statement ER – Equipment Regulations ETS - Equipment Table Schedule JSP – Joint Service Publication LoC – Lists of Change LTI – Local Technical Instructions MAOS – Manual of Army Ordnance Stores MRA – Materiel Regulations of the Army RAOS – Regulations of Army Ordnance Stores REA – Regulations for the Equipment of the Army VAOS – Vocabulary of Army Ordnance Stores WMTI - Workshops Management Technical Instructions
  11. Can you measure the resistance of the primarily winding and verify it is about 3 ohms? Or measure the current drawn through it is no more than 4 amps with the points closed.
  12. Wrote a comprehensive reply, slow going though on a pad. But post lost as wifi lost. Replied again and it did same. Hope to answer properly by next week
  13. I think you mean Infra-Red Reflecting paint. The idea is to provide the same degree of IR reflectance as the surrounding foliage. "Radar reflecting paint" would make you even more detecable on a radar speed trap. Radar absorbing paint as such does not exist, if it did there would have been no need to invent the stealth bomber
  14. Now on Milweb, the phone number on the side is for Albert Dock Liverpool. http://www.milweb.net/classifieds.php?type=4 "4 available of various condition & specification. Suitable for public transport / leisure usage. All seen service during 2013"
  15. Sorry Chris just had a re-read. What I have got is Drops, 15 Tonne, 8x6, Leyland Daf in the AESP Octad 2320-R-301-
  16. Chris is fiche any good? I think I have the full set.
  17. Interestingly the latest edition of KiT! that came through my letterbox today has a lead article about the dangers of the illegal disposal of Defence munitions.
  18. I know someone who used to collect ordnance until one went off in his hand.
  19. Bicester now http://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/11481494.Update__Police_say_Bicester_explosives_may_have_been_plundered_from_protected_sites/?ref=var_0
  20. http://www.stalbansreview.co.uk/video/3790003782001/?ref=vidshare
  21. http://www.stalbansreview.co.uk/news/11478075.Bomb_scare__Second_World_War_shells_found_in_St_Albans/
  22. Seems ok for me now. They were aware of the problems: http://www2.ebay.com/aw/uk/201409141630262.html
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