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Everything posted by dan110

  1. A few years ago something similar happened to my camera (a Nikon SLR with a zoom lens). My daughter (5 or 6 at the time) had dropped the camera from a considerable height. Camera was ok, lens was not. I was very annoyed too but did not punish her. This is what happens with children, don't take your disappointment out on her. A good site for camera info is http://www.dpreview.com. As it happens I just bought a Canon IX 115 HS and I quite like it. You may like it too. Reviews: http://www.trustedreviews.com/Canon-IXUS-115-HS_Digital-Camera_review and http://www.techradar.com/reviews/cameras-and-camcorders/cameras/compact-cameras/canon-ixus-115-hs-932080/review?artc_pg=1 Hope this helps and hope you will take lovely pictures of your daughter with your shiny new camera! Daniel
  2. Steve, I was there with Clive and had a nice time. Thanks for making it possible! Daniel
  3. For me it's the Land Rover 110. Looks great, cheap to run, very versatile and useful, reliable, spares abound, many different variants so always something new to find out. Daniel
  4. Life has changed but things are well. No, I didn't go to Beltring at the last minute. Went to the UK a bit later though but missed out on the 2010 shows. The rumours were not exaggerated at all :-) Daniel
  5. I maintain that site, and the machine it is on is currently down. I'll reboot it in the morning. And welcome Paul! Daniel
  6. Do NOT upgrade to Windows 7 by installing it over your existing Windows install. That will give you bad results even if you don't have a virus. A fresh install of Windows 7 should cure you problem. Daniel
  7. Clive and I visited the Tank Museum early this month and I took these pictures outside the museum. Daniel
  8. Do you mean the TACR2's? They are nice, I had one and sold it. Now regret doing that Daniel
  9. Nieuwe Pekela is a town in the North of the Netherlands in the province of Groningen. http://maps.google.nl/maps?q=%22nieuwe+pekela%22&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&ie=UTF8&gl=nl&ei=arv2SprsEY794AaRyLnoAw&ved=0CAsQ8gEwAA&hq=&hnear=Nieuwe+Pekela,+Pekela,+Groningen&z=12 Daniel
  10. Look at page 10 of the report and you may suddenly start to feel safe.... http://www.dft.gov.uk/pgr/statistics/datatablespublications/vehicles/carsmmrisk/carsmakeandmodeltheriskofdri1800 Daniel
  11. Lot 49 on http://www.mod-sales.com/tender/listing.htm It is next to one of the core plant Land Rover but that doesn't mean much. The front bumper and the side steps show severe rust but the rest of the body looks ok in the one picture they have. I don't know what to make of this. Daniel
  12. The current Witham tender contains some Land Rovers that have "MOD core plant" lettering. What is MOD core plant? Is there any special reason why these Land Rovers have more rust than usual? Would anyone going to the viewing days be willing to take some detailed pictures of the RAF police Station Wagon for me? I wonder if that also came from the MOD core plant and how bad the rust on it is. Daniel
  13. Yes we did meet! You talked about your dealings with the police with regard to the armoured car (picking up cash) being illegally parked. Daniel
  14. CW did you know I was in the next tent to Clive. Full potties are NOT good then.... And you know Clive likes his curries.
  15. Could be that they couldn't understand his accent don't you think?
  16. CW here comes a good excuse: My daughter tried to eat a wasp just before the BBQ and it bit her on the lip. Had to go and see the Medix people, got a ride in a vehicle with a flashing blue light. They gave her antihistamine and that made her go to sleep a bit early so I had to stay near our tent. Her lip was so swollen that it looked like she was sticking her tongue out. Definitely not nice! Luckily it returned to normal about a day later. Now it's not only the nazis, dust, mud, toilets and showers that have to be overcome but also the agressive wasps Daniel
  17. Kuno, That's why the Wolf comes equipped with a longer arm on the mirror. See they've thought of everything:) Daniel
  18. We'll I'd call our relationship a steady one ;-)
  19. I'll be there in my 110, arriving Friday and leaving for Duxford on Saturday. I hope to camp next to Clive on the EMLRA stand. Would be nice to meet some fellow hmvf members there! Daniel
  20. Clive, Is it the lens of a vehicle light? Daniel
  21. I've called them for you, they told me the Militants all went (don't know where) a long time ago. © D.J. Polak DAF YA 126 ambulance at van Dam's old yard in Zeist © D.J. Polak Land Rover Lightweights and another older vehicle at van Dam's current yard in Rhenen. If you and/or HMVF members are interested I have more pictures taken at van Dam. I may even make a trip over there soon. Daniel
  22. I'm glad you like my pictures! The yard was a special place, located adjacent to a country road lined with trees. I remember doing a few test drives there. Jan and Dirk who worked there were quite nice and good to deal with. Every time I went there I had the expectation to find something new and wonderful. And they did frequently have interesting vehicles. Looking back on it it was a treasure trove with many rather old vehicles just standing there and slowly rusting away. I was (and actually still am) looking for a military Land Rover 110 Station Wagon. Once and only once did they have one but they thought something was seriously wrong with it and recommended against buying. Later on somebody else had bought and it turned out to be in good order. That buyer apparently civilianised it :cry: both pictures © D.J. Polak Now I know that military Station Wagons and especially left hand drive ones are as rare as hen's teeth. I never ever found another one for sale. Van Dam moved from the old yard in Zeist to Rhenen. Not as scenic but more modern. More pictures to come of their old yard and some of their new yard too! I could give them a call for you to ask about the AEC Militants if you want. Daniel
  23. Dutch army Land Rover 109 ambulances in yard at van Dam, Zeist the Netherlands 21 November 2000 picture © D.J. Polak
  24. Unknown vehicle in yard at van Dam, Zeist the Netherlands 17 October 2000 picture © D.J. Polak
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