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Everything posted by Surveyor

  1. This is one I have, but there is something in my mind that I have seen one rigid no part can bend
  2. But of course, was told more vehicles in the SMVG group this year than previous, was driving the FFR one and a spectator shouted out what was that pointing to the candlesticks
  3. Perth Salute went off well today, these the only Historic vehicles, the weather was great until we reached the band area and then the heavens opened, felt sorry for the dancers still to perform
  4. The 24 volt alternator is disconnected, will try a test first to see what is coming through, will speak to my mechanic mate
  5. Ah a light bulb moment many thanks, also that assume it still works Makes life easier to plug in satnav etc
  6. Thanks Bryan, can you supply a bit more information please, is it the "Penthouse" type or other Richard
  7. Looking at all the pictures these letters we are puzzling over appear on top of the graffiti, has anyone asked the owner? Also if the site is for sale, I don't know if it is, are these to identify plots for sale
  8. Having to start to strip the dash board to stop the rust I have been puzzled by what appears to be 2 holes for a jack, they are to the right of the light switch. Can any one help with what they were for, they appear to be coloured for live and Neutral Many thanks
  9. There is a plan which I hoped would be a clue but strangely no legend
  10. Have to say was looking for a source of them, pm sent
  11. Yes was trying to avoid that if possible, the toggles are the first needed, may bite the bullet and see the cost
  12. I am trying to get the last bits together, does any one know a source for the toggles, triangle plate and the tie, pictures attached Thanks in advance
  13. Found this http://www.briansusedtractors.co.uk/?Vehicles_and_Miscellaneous:JCB_430_Wheel_loader:AEC_Militant
  14. If you have taken 63 from the photograph this may not be the page number but the photograph number
  15. Thanks was for getting that, I started on the 7.62 skr and then changed to the 5.56, can't remember when that happened
  16. I assume behind the driver for a weapon rack, the one I have has 2no 5.56mm rifle brackets, not what would be in at the time the vehicle was made. The question I have what would have been fitted if any for a 1986 Land Rover
  17. Try Compton2000, in Birmingham, they were at Kelmarsh and said they could do any vehicle
  18. My thoughts are that some one diving on a wreck may not know the difference between Ordnance and a pipe
  19. Saw this: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-us-canada-49186378/ww2-explosives-cleared-from-shipwrecks-in-canada
  20. Many thanks again all information useful
  21. Many thanks, the main block is original, I don't have the skills to take the engine out so trying to do it in position, yes used a rattle can but now have sourced a better paint supplier, The oil contamination may be from when the checked to rockers after the new head was put on
  22. I sprayed the block when it arrived at the garage to be fitted, the paint then came off. Being a learner at this, any advice on how to clean and prepare the block. Comments made before said pint was poor quality, so sourced another supplier, another comment was the black paint was for the travel. The picture shows some of the paint coming off Thanks in advance
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