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Tunbridge Wells - Sun 19th July 2009

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Just checked previous pages -


0900hrs seems to be the time away from Beltring - although haven't made final plans as yet.


Waiting to see how many of us there are.


The scene from Kellys heros springs to mind when Oddball arrives with a whole Army, including the band!!!


"Who the hells that" -


Its the band man!!!!!!

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Just checked previous pages -


0900hrs seems to be the time away from Beltring - although haven't made final plans as yet.


Waiting to see how many of us there are.


The scene from Kellys heros springs to mind when Oddball arrives with a whole Army, including the band!!!


"Who the hells that" -


Its the band man!!!!!!


Shouldn't that be the bald man :rofl::rofl:

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi all.


I am attending the Wings, Wheels and Steam Show at Tunbridge Wells on Sunday 19th July 2009 being held at Groombridge Place Gardens, Groombridge.


As it happens, I shall be camped up at Beltring for the 2009 War and Peace by this date so it makes sense to attend this show as it is only up the road so to speak.


I have approached a few HMFV members who I know will be camped in the Hop Farm for the big one so we can convoy to this show. I am planning to convoy from The Hop Farm at 0900hrs.


It is the usual one day local show but should be a good day out (here's hoping for decent weather). The event is being run at two locations with the vehicles and steam engines at Groombridge Place and the Spa Valley Railway operating a steam railway service (just for you Grasshopper) over a five mile stretch between Tunbridge Wells and Eridge.


For those who will not be at Beltring, vehicles have to be in situ for 1100am. The show times are from 1000hrs - 1700hrs.


All vehicles attending the show must register in advance. Entry to the event is FREE of charge to any owner / driver plus two passengers.


To register and obtain an entry form please contact the following:


Jill Todd (Events Manager) - 01622 813888 or 07831 123987 or e-mail jtc001@btinternet.com




Jack / Joris - Can we have a War and Peace Show 2009 board and this included. Thanks chaps.



Has anyone had their entry back for this show, yet. ??

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Hi Andy -


I don't think they are sending out entry forms -


You and your vehicle just have to be registered.


Will check tomorrow with Jill.



Cheers Mark.


Hope, if thats the case, Mike, postie gets peddling around here, as I'm away to belters during that week.......


Cheers Guys.


See you there.



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Received entry passes etc for the Groombridge Gardens show today.


All entrants have to be on site by the latest 1030hrs or you get parked in the visitors car park.


I shall be leaving the Hop Farm at 0900hrs - on the dot.


For all those ex-military types, that means 0855hrs ready to roll.


Anyone wishing to tag on to a convoy - as long as you have an entry pass - feel free to line up by my and Lees pitch.


Anyone not leaving from the Hop Farm but making their own way - see you there.



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So do I mate -


I have to work Friday and Saturday night as we have a shortage of Junior Officers - despite the fact I had the night duties booked off for over 3 months. grrrrr.


Oh well - I shall arrive at Hop Farm about 0730hrs in the morning - are you listening Lee!!! - just in time for a cuppa, get changed and warm the beast up.


I shall be set up prior to this - I shall be at Beltring from Monday 13th.

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