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SAS Heroes,channel 5, tonight 20.00


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there was a series several years ago on the History channel regarding the SAS i wonder if this is one of those? i will see if iam allowed to watch, but the wife is unwell at present and has h firm grip on the remote control :cry:



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Sorry if you read this tomorrow :)


Sounds like an interesting one, Battle for Mirbat and oil. Don't recall much specific mention of defending oil in the past. Hoping to see some vehicle imagery of what they were cutting about in back then.


If it's the program I think it is then there are few if any vehicle shots in it. Mirbat was essentially a static operation revolving around a 25pdr gun (which is in the RA museum at Woolwich!)outside the fort at Mirbat.

Around 250 Adoo rebels attacked the town of Mirbat with the intention of killing every man, woman and child in it. The BATT based at Mirbat, led by Capt Kealy, was alerted to the incipient attack by the gunfire from the rebels attacking and eliminating a forward watch post manned by the Dhofari Gendarmerie on Jebel Ali. To summarise a hard-fought battle the Adoo rebels were held off until the arrival of the Omani airforce and a relief force from G squadron. SAS/Omani casualties were 2 killed and 2 wounded whislt the Adoo rebels lost 38 confirmed dead.


Sadly Capt Kealy later died on exercise in the Brecons in, IIRC, 1979.

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Funnily enough, there was an article about the battle of Mirbat in the paper on Saturday and a close up of the medals of one of the Fijians. I clocked a GSM 1962 with three clasps including NI and commented out loud about the manky state of the medals, GSM in particular. I pointed out to nobody in particular that my medals had been in a drawer for 20 years until I dug them out for the reunion in July and they were in a better state.


I hadn't cleaned the GSM, whose silver was as tarnished as a silver medal gets, before setting off for the regiment, certain in the knowledge that on the Friday I could buy Brasso, Silver Dip, yellow duster, whatever from the NAAFI to give it a good seeing to before the church service on the Sunday. Imagine my shock when the girl in the NAAFI told me they couldn't sell Brasso and the like for Health and Safety reasons, so the squaddies had to buy cleaning kit offsite.


I had a brainwave. Outside the guard room there have been for many decades two giant brass gongs commemorating the deaths of 15th Hussars in the Great War and 15/19th Hussars in the Second World War. I had never had the pleasure of cleaning them because I was a good boy and didn't get punished with jankers, etc, but it occurred to me that if I sweet-talked the Guard Commander, he'd let me use some of the vast quantity of industry-strength Brasso kept for this purpose.


When I found I couldn't get Brasso, I had considered quietly putting the medals in my pocket, but when on the Saturday Big Lou, my former RSM and vehicle commander had left me with the words, "I'll personally inspect your medals and check they have you number, rank and name engraved on them before the church service," I decided against.


So I got enough of a shine on my GSM (the UNFICYP medal is brown, allegedly made from compressed cardboard according to urban myth) to pass a cursory glance. As it happens, within days it was manky again.


My daughter, her husband and my new granddaughter happened to be visiting and my daughter asked if she might see my medals, do I duly produced.


Later that afternoon I ordered 4GB of RAM for my PC. Now that XP SP3 supports 4GB of RAM (3GB for apps and 1GB for Windows).


Day before yesterday, a jiffy bag arrived. I assumed it was my 4GB of RAM, but it turned out to be a Veteran's Badge, which I had applied for from the Veteran's Agency a couple of weeks ago and promptly forgotten about. When Wor Lass asked me on MSN if she might open the bag, I warned her not to touch the circuit boards. She was confused when she found an enamel badge. By this time I had already told my team that my 4GB of RAM had turned up, having been ordered and shipped only a day or two earlier and I was well impressed with Overclockers.


So then I had to explain to the team that it was a veteran's badge, not RAM, which led to a team member asking about the medals. And as luck would have it, sat on my desk this morning are a GSM 1962, Clasp Northern Ireland and an UNFICYP Medal for show and tell.


At the time of Mirbat, the SAS was next to unknown and kept that way. Not a handful of years later they were assaulting hijacked airliners and foreign embassies and suddenly the world remembered.


Now what was the point of this posting?

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"Now what was the point of this posting..."


Proof that it takes about this long for you to get to the top of your stairs. Hey, don't knock it, I'm forgetting half way up these days. Can't wait for the new Rocket Assisted Stannah Stairlift to be installed, supposed to get you upstairs before you forget what you were going up for.


Cauliflower for tea tonight....

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At the time of Mirbat, the SAS was next to unknown and kept that way. Not a handful of years later they were assaulting hijacked airliners and foreign embassies and suddenly the world remembered.




You all might not be best pleased to learn then that there is an ugly rumour doing the rounds right now that our un-beloved PM wants the three SAS Regiments disbanded and merged into another unit - probably the SRS.

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You all might not be best pleased to learn then that there is an ugly rumour doing the rounds right now that our un-beloved PM wants the three SAS Regiments disbanded and merged into another unit - probably the SRS.


They should do everybody a favour and go around to No. 10 and slot him!

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