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What it must be like to be popular :D


Depends if you would like to increase the size of your.... :shock: , buy shares, cheap loans, join a church oh and help a bloke out from Nigeria who wants to give me millions of $



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Well I think the bloke from Nigeria sounds a safe bet to me Jack :lol:


Hi all,

I have had these along with being the sole survivor of a Colmbian buisnessman who whants me to have his millions as long as i hand over my bank details :shock: :shock: just a shame he did not realise some of my immediate family live with in a five mile radius :P


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Look guys I have the perfect soloution for all these problems.

I will answer all these boring ,begging ,scamming , Emails

for you all , the only thing I ask for, is your bank details and power

of attorney for your bank accounts ,please don't all reply at once

because I will be out suning my self at your expence


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I dunno about anybody else, but I'm dreading opening my e mither port,- just lucky I don't have children/easily shockable people around,- what with the 'increase the size of your........................;' ' I stayed e£^ct all night, etc,etc..........',

I know I can block spam, but, I recieve mail that I'm expecting, that also comes in as spam.............. :roll:


I guess the sensible advice, that someone told me, is to never respond to such c$ap.



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