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Jolly Jeeper

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I'm just curious to know why a link to an account of PTSD from the Iraq war can be considered by the moderator to be as follows;


MOD Edit... PM's are just that..PRIVATE... they are not to be published on the Forum...


when Other Chatter is meant to be about other subjects - any thoughts anyone?





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The moderating team read the Story that the link pointed to & decided it was not for this forum... discussions on current conflicts normally spill over in to politics.. one of the things that make this such a great forum is the lack of politics on it. Let's keep it that way.


Thank you.

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The Iraq War is mentioned frequently on this site, the story I tried to draw people's attention to was more of a medical story about one hero's struggle to recover from PTSD and the drink/drugs/divorce scenarios that were part of it - it's a common tale from Vietnam, The Falklands and many more conflicts. It's a human tale - nothing more.


Seeing this site has published three articles and many posts and pictures of mine the moderators should know that I am a great supporter of this site...



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I sympathise John. PTSD is an all too familiar subject, to some more than others, but I think the mods are right on this one. Verging into the dark realms of politics and such. Dont be disheartened I posted a post 3 or 4 times and it kept "dissappearing", with good reason though! :police:

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I volunteered for the Army on my birthday

They draft the white trash first,'round here anyway

I done two tours of duty in Vietnam

And I came home with a brand new plan

I take the seed from Colombia and Mexico

I plant it up the holler down Copperhead Road

And now the D.E.A.'s got a chopper in the air

I wake up screaming like I'm back over there

I learned a thing or two from ol' Charlie don't you know

You better stay away from Copperhead Road


Steve Earle

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Well I for one am very glad John posted that link,it's an all too familiar story but one which is often ignored by many people. I personally feel that a fault of some in the military vehicle,warbird and reenactment movements is a lack of connection with the human side of war,it is too easy to get caught up in the machinery and the "macho" image promoted by movies etc,while not understanding the effect conflict often has on those involved.





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Thanks Matt and Rick - when I read the newspaper story that the link went to I was immediately reminded of that song above, the end of the book Chickenhawk and so on. Posted it because I genuinely thought that people on this forum (many of whom post sensible and intelligent stuff about more than just the MVs we all play with) would be interested.


The guy in question was, as someone says in the movie A Few Good Men, a 'recruiting poster Marine' who met the president... now he rides with a 1% bike club (not that I've got anything against them).







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Best answer is post a link. The Mod's have a lousy job keeping us in line anyway. Bang the drum, the Forum is public and covers Historic military vehicles. By definition all of us have an interest in other military sectors past and present. Unfortunately being open things member's post can be misquoted. :dunno: IMPORTANTLY we can use the vehicles to raise funds and awareness of such things. Part of the responsibilities of owning the vehicles.

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Many thanks to the guys for pulling this first time around - awaiting clarification from me. The team are extremely briefed in pulling anything that they may find 'iffy' as it can then be moved back if needs be, once it has be discussed by all of us but the buck stops with me. This was one of the moments. - the mods were just doing what I ask of them.


I fully trust JC judgement and makes an interesting topic for debate - I have my own opinions on PTSD, but I will keep those for the Bolero mess tent.

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Sounds like Jack has given the okay for this to be posted again so here it is;




Take note of Tony B's caution rating



A photographer friend of mine also sent me this about the same subject;


The Marlboro Marine



Los Angeles Times photojournalist Luis Sinco's photograph of Marine Lance Corporal James Blake Miller became an icon of the Iraq War.This is the story of how Miller tries to heal the scars of war and how two lives became connected by a photograph.





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I dont know, probably is the place to post stuff like this, gives the true reality of war and the effects, and not the Bulls**t glossy hollywood version of events.

It may be difficult to swallow in this Politically Correct era, but some people need a shake out of the comfort zone.

I suffered a far less severe version after been in Bosnia with the U.N. constant sniping and mortaring has that effect! however i pretty much got over that, what happened to that Marine is in another league, and he isnt the first and he wont be the last combatant to suffer.

My sympathy goes out to anybody in the forces who has to suffer long after events have passed.


Good post John. :tup:

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Should be read, disturbing. Maybe a caution rating.




Agreed,.............read it last night, just before it 'disappeared', :whistle:

glad to see it back,.................This condition, call it what you will,..Shell Shock, etc, IS and HAS been something either not understood, OR not well enough understood, for too long.

At least, and I'm certainly NOT 'dumbing down', any one suffering with effects of this illness, when I say,these days, there is no firing squad waiting.

Thanks, John.



Having said the above,..............John; did you need to add the 'knock', "esp the Dressers up",..........??

Yes, I do wear a wwii uniform, although I'm certainly not of that age, i carry wwii equipment and drive a wwii vintage vehicle,.............SO ??

I hope, when I'm out and about, talking with folks, I'm not being seen to glorify war, rather hopfully, being seen to honour those who wore said kit 'for real';

If the likes of the British Legion are happy for us to attend their functions, .........and nearly all of whom are ex forces, then I guess I'm doing something right. ;-)


Not having a dig, mate




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Just to add my bit!

My grandfather was one of the first to volunteer when WW2 broke out and went into the BEF. They were hopelessly undermanned and ill-equipped, originally sent out with one rifle between two men. He never spoke about what happened to him, all we knew is that he was hospitalised and suffered fits as a result of what happened. He has now passed away about 10 years ago and I have been trying to find out what he went through. The only thing I can say with some degree of certainty is that he was part of the BEF, either in the Oxon Bucks or RE. He was evacuated before Dunkirk so presumably was one of the first to encounter the German blitzkrieg as it swept through Northern France. A terrifying encounter, Im sure. I know more about his father and brothers as they died in WW1 than I do about him and what he experienced. My grandfathers twin brother who lived in Canada and passed away the other week only said of it " I had a better war than your grandfather ever did". He went to Railway at War weekend near Northampton and had a great day out, even having a jive, which is not bad when you are 80+ ..!

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