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how many of you have done this show in Saddleworth.

I would like to take the Jimmy next year but am not sure about the distance.

I know where saddleworth is & it can take anything from 3-5 hours in a car ( i did the journey most weekends last year).

The web site says the'jeep convoy' but are GMCs allowed.

I am a complete novice when it comes to this show & any advice, pointers & a date for next year would be most welcome



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i visited harperly a couple of weeks ago when malvern was on & thought it was fab.

now they have got some british heritage money the restoration of the camp should be the best in the country. i look forward to going back to visit but doubt i'd take the truck, WE'd probably stay with relatives in either Esh winning or stanhope which aren't to far away from Harperly.



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