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Universal Carriers - Differences Between Mk I and Mk II

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First, some key dates. The SS Thistlegorm was loaded with a quantiity of Universal Carriers and sailed from Glasgow in July 1941. The ship was sunk at anchor in October 1941 in the Gulf of Suez.

From this date would it be possible to determine what Mk of UC the ship was carrying?

Second question; what are the differences between the Mk I and Mk II?

Reason for this query is simple. There is a site near Sharm el Sheilk where there is a large quantity of dumped UCs. Most are underwater and there is a theroy that claims these vehicles were salvaged from the Thistlegorm and repaired for service. This theory overlooks several key points:

  • The force of the explosion that sank the ship was sufficent to throw 22 tonne Stanier locomotive boilers 80m from the ship, deforming the boilers and inflicting blunt force damage and penetration of the boiler plate by objects unknown. Anything stowed in the same location is unlikely to have escaped significant damage.
  • There is no record or evidence of post-sinking salvage work
  • Well over 100,000 UCs were made before, during and after the war
  • The British, Egyptian and Israeli forces all listed as operators

 We have accurate models of the examples that remain on the wreck...so if we can ID the Mk we can perhaps eliminate, or prove the theory?

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There was some salvage carried out on the Thistlegorm as she was carrying a lot of medical supplies. As for the Stannier it was a complete locomotive. From the pictures I have seen the vehicles in the forward hatches were largely undamaged. Where the bombs landed ammunition was stowed. Unfortunately several DEMS gunners were killed. 

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On 7/22/2024 at 10:31 AM, SimonBrown said:


From this date would it be possible to determine what Mk of UC the ship was carrying?

Second question; what are the differences between the Mk I and Mk II?


From Wiki.

Universal Mk. I
Initial model.
Universal Mk. II
Updated stowage and layout, battery moved behind the divisional plate, towing hitch added. Welded waterproofed hull. Crew of four. 2-inch mortar or 4-inch smoke mortar beside gunner. Spare wheel on front hull. weighed 1/2 ton more than Mark I.
Universal Mk. III
Welded hull as Mark II, modified air inlet and engine cover.

Looks like the spare wheel is the obvious feature.

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