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Weaseal inventor

Tony B

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Project Habbakuk. The raw matererial was known as Pycrete - a mix of ice and wood pulp/sawdust. The stprygoes Lord Mountbatten demonstrated it to Churchill by firing his revolver at a block of ice and then a block of Pycrete. The ice shattered whilst the Pycrete absorbed the round.

There's a TV series called "The SeaHunters" about a team who research historically important wrecks - one of the program's has them on the great Lakes of Canada looking for the prototype used to test the viability of Habbakuk.

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Project Habbakuk. The raw matererial was known as Pycrete - a mix of ice and wood pulp/sawdust. The stprygoes Lord Mountbatten demonstrated it to Churchill by firing his revolver at a block of ice and then a block of Pycrete. The ice shattered whilst the Pycrete absorbed the round.

There's a TV series called "The SeaHunters" about a team who research historically important wrecks - one of the program's has them on the great Lakes of Canada looking for the prototype used to test the viability of Habbakuk.


And according to the programme the bullet richoceted and hit a US General in the leg :-D
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