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Proper markings on a 1974 to mid 1980s Land Rover


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What are some of the markings that would appear on the outside of a Land Rover that served with the Royal artillery (TA) during that period and where would they be located? For example, would there be regiment or battery markings, troop signs, radio call signs, branch of service signs,what else? Thanks, Bil

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Bill, you need to decide on a more specific period to depict. The Defence Review 1975 formulated the "one Army" concept. TAVR & Regular units would be intergrated & indistinguishable, other than by one inch high markings on the front wing. This meant abolishing the fancy unit & arm of service badges, the changes were rolled out in 1977.


In those days that was under CRAOC instructions & is confirmed by current regulations in the Joint Service Road Transport Regulations JSP341. But still this anonymity of unit vehicles is voided by some units with distinguishing markings eg Desert Rats, Scottish units. I can understand their pride, but does fly in the face of the Regulations & give an enemy some detail of who is where, which is what it was meant to avoid.



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I was Signals in the RAF on a unit called Tactical Communications Wing, and we had Gold Doves with a bolt of lightning through it as a stencil, the gold paint was obtained from a local hardware store. The stencil was applied to the centre of each front door, the later 110's had the stencil done in black or green depending on how the camouflage was applied.

244 Sigs used to have a red hand stencil in the same place on Series 3 landrovers, and i believe that 30 Sigs had black swans, this was between 87 - 91.

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In respose to fv1620, I am shooting to portray 1974 to say 1976ish. Not a real reason for that. I could portray anything in the period that used puntees (?), and pattern 58 web gear as I am getting those. Bil



Bill, ah well then you have an open field as to markings for that period. That bypasses the old chestnuts about what was meant to be done & what some units actually did!

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In respose to fv1620, I am shooting to portray 1974 to say 1976ish. Not a real reason for that. I could portray anything in the period that used puntees (?), and pattern 58 web gear as I am getting those. Bil



Puttees, mans, short. I cleared out my chest of drawers last month and found mine, still with the elastic bands to go with them. Probably last worn on a Basic Fitness Test at Worthy Down in the summer of 89. (DMS and puttees: much lighter and easier to run in than Boots, CH.)


I bet the elastic bands aren't very elastic now ...

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