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Clive, yes it is strange that more Humber's seemed to survive in Oz rather than the UK. Everything I have read says they just rotted away,perhaps the dry climate where we are has saved them.The plate on mine says ,Commer, but they are universally called Humber's.

Yes I have been posting on MLU mostly to find out about the Sankey one ton trailer and its non-conventional arrangement for connecting the trailer to the towing vehicle, the trailer is pretty much completed and the tub body for the Humber just about there. I have another project on the go a C60s "Blitz" that has to be completed for a function in a couple of months so all other work stops until that is completed.






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Robert thanks for the pictures, they're coming along. I've got various publications for 1 Ton Trailer I'll look up. I used have one with a Cipher Office body that I towed behind my FV1620 as that didn't have much sleeping room.


I had a FV1601 that faded away although it was bought as a donor vehicle.


Here is the Commer book. Unlike British Army User Handbooks that required a Servicing Schedule, this civilian publication combines both. The scan is rather poor but the lower line states FV1601 & 250 presumably the number printed.



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