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Questions regarding CMP 3-Ton Beak-down Lorry (Wrecker) - Towing Pintle and Fiarleads

Chris Preston

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Greetings All,


We working on our Museum's CMP 3-Ton Wrecker (Museum link: https://www.facebook.com/Friends-of-Ashton-Armoury-Museum-Victoria-BC-Canada-219752694888399/), repairing some oil leaks in the transmission and clutch assemblies, and while taking a break, were examining the Towing Pintle and Roller Fair-leads bolted to the rear frame. It looks like a previous owner has cut approximately 6" off the rear of the frame, and drilled new holes to allow the pintle and fair-lead assembly to be bolted further forward on the frame and under the body. This effectively prevents you from using the pintle as it's now hard up against a cross member.


Could anyone more knowledgeable with this vehicle advise if our suspicions are correct? if so, could you also provide some photos and dimensions of what the correct configuration is supposed to be so we can make the necessary restorations to the frame? We're also looking for a list of the required "In Service" kit carried by the vehicle, including mechanics tools, chains, and other hardware. Attached are two photos of our vehicle from earlier today.




Chris Preston,

Victoria, BC,


CMP 3-Ton Wrecker.2.jpg

CMP 3-Ton Wrecker.1.jpg

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Chris, I'm not by any means a CMP expert so don't take this as gospel, but isn't it that the chassis rails are correct but the bracketry has been modified?


I thought the CMP / Holmes should have a large flattish vertical bracket on each chassis rail, protruding beyond the end of the body, with a towing eye into which the hooks were ... well, hooked (when not in use). The towing pintle assembly is mounted between those brackets in a pair of slipper brackets that take the spring, which would put the forward face of the pintle about level with the rear of the body, and the fairlead rollers below.


I thought the fairlead roller assembly was different as well, with a full width axle for the lower roller, but I wouldn't swear to it.


If I'm right, your chassis is correct but all the bracketry at the rear end has been chopped about & modified; possibly only the pintle and spring being original.


I'd have thought if you hunt around on the interweb and ask on MLU you should get some decent photos of the correct assembly.

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Hi Chris,


Good to see another Garwood wrecker.

These are some photos of my truck and you can see the differences:




I'll be giving it a run out on Sunday, so let me know which particular measurements you'd like or any close-up shots



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