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Hi everyone. I'm Tony. It seems I registered 5 years ago then hid!


I have been fascinated by military vehicles, predominantly softskin, since I was a lad, but apart from models and kits, that's as far as it has ever gone.


I'm a bit fickle though, as I'm also interested in steam railways, traction engines and boats, but apart from a couple of plastic cruisers that have come and gone, I don't have any of those either, other than models!


I was offered a Humber Heavy Utility 'Box' for £100 as I recall, at a steam fair in Lancashire in the 70s. Oh how I wanted it, but 'er indoors would have none of it. I don't have 'er indoors now either! It's still one of my favourite vehicles, but I no longer have the space, health or money to contemplate owning a real one.


Anyway, I have been lurking, and for any Humber enthusiasts, here's a strange bit of film from You Tube. I can't make up my mind whether it's a postwar civilian version or a hybrid, but those front hubs look quite unusual.

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