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Ward la France -

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Hi all.


I am happy to report my Ward la France M1A1 has all but nearly been completed to the stage I wanted to get to. :-D


I still have to.


A. Renew top and rear cover - if I feel the need.

B. Fit some updated lights to the rear.

C. Fit my oxygen and acetylene cylinders to the rack behind the cap.


I have just completed the markings and if I say so myself - they really do finish the truck off. 8-)


width=640 height=480http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u233/Markheliops/01010004.jpg[/img]


width=640 height=480http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u233/Markheliops/00000014.jpg[/img]


width=640 height=480http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u233/Markheliops/00000002-1.jpg[/img]


My father passed away a few weeks ago so everything stopped whilst more important matters where attended to.


My father had a LARGE hand in my acquisition of the Ward so I felt the need to get on with it so he could see it before he passed away. Unfortunately he only saw it in photographs but no matter, he was most impressed.


The Ward has now become more than a hobby, more like a tribute to my father.


I may have thought about selling it at one time but not now. It means more to me for obvious reasons.


I'm pretty happy with the results. As you all know, restoring a vehicle is all about -


A. The facilities you have available.

B. The amount of money you have spare.

C. The amount of mechanical knowledge you have.

D. The amount of knowledge and time your friends have -


Unfortunately, A, B, C left me struggling but D helped me out - (Thanks Mike and Vince). ;-)


The important thing for me was to finish the Ward to a certain point before War and Peace. It is by no means finished to the standard I want and there are still bits to do.


The electrics want ripping out and starting again and next year I would like to strip the vehicle to its chassis and do a better job - i.e. take my time.


When I get time, I shall write a bit for the forum detailing what I have done and the trials and tribulations of the project - and there were a few.


See you all at War and Peace or Bromley Pageant of Motoring - 24th June at Norman Park, Bromley.




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Sorry to hear about your Dad. :-(


The truck looks pretty good. I'll save the adjective "awesome" till later, when its got some more kit hanging off it, and makes Mike jealous :n00b: (great looking paint job) :clap:. There will certainly be some good photo opertunities at W&P when the two Wards get together.

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Great up date Mark and sorry to hear about your Father and what a wonderful tribute to him with your truck - I would be the same.


the Wards are hell of a beast and look forward to having a look over one at one of the shows this year :whistle:


But I thought Mike was the only one with the biggest truck in the village??!! :whistle:

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Hi all-


Thanks for your comments and condolences -


Looking forward to hooking up with everyone at War and Peace -


We can all sit round the beer BBQ and talk about green machines and Mike's knees! :-D


See you all there



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Hi all


I've had an interesting day.


Ever started something and wished you hadn't................ :dunno:


I started on the Ward's wiring a few days ago. Have tried to trace cables etc but unfortunately the French - God bless em - have had a bash themselves. :argh:


After getting no where fast with me tinkering I thought - in for a penny - and ripped the whole loom out.


Only when I stood back to admire my handywork did I realise exactly how much cable I was surrounded by. :schocked:


Well - large gulp and I have started the rewire. Electrics is definitely not my thing so I am keeping my fingers crossed and will see what happens.


The Ward is a positive earth system - even more confusing.


Will let you know how it progresses.





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