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MLU website registration issues.

Mark Pearson

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Anyone else having problems registering on the MLU site ?


Ive been trying for months and have had other members helping, by emailing on my behalf , but nothing !! I really want to get involved on the Carrier forum, as its so helpful.


Anyone have any ideas ?


Mark.................... :cry:

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Can't really help unfortunately.


I know Hanno gets swamped with stuff to do and registrations take for ever, but at least you can access and read. I'd try to get in touch with one of the Carrier bunnies on there and get them to post questions on your behalf, maybe?

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Hanno is on this forum so may be along to answer your questions..



From MLU Forum.. from 2012




The main cause is lack of time :giveup



  • If self-registration is enabled, the forum administrator gets swamped with spammers who have scripts running to register on forums across the internet. So we need a SW upgrade to be able to identify spammers, but for this we need to select a new SW package first as the current one is going nowhere. This takes time.
  • So for the meantime we have to revert to manually entering new users. This takes a lot of time.
  • In the meantime I am looking for a new forum hosting provider, which again takes time.
  • Then we need to migrate the database to the new SW. This takes time.



In short (and I have asked before): if there are any (prospective) members with the required IT skills to solve these problems, please step forward!





Due to the high number of spammers registering on this forum I have temporarily prevented anyone new from registering. Anyone attempting to register will be told that we are not accepting new registrations at this time.


If you have legitimate reasons to want to register, please check our full membership requirements here. If you agree to the terms, please us the "contact us" button at the bottom of each page.


Thanks for your understanding!



Maple Leaf Up Administrator


Latest post 28-06-14, 21:26


Like I said, the current registration process is labour intensive, there are only two moderators who can put members in the database and we lack time. So for now it just a matter of queuing up and wait patiently - sorry people :o




It's not difficult to manually weed of spammers, I approve all the members on here & weed out about 10-20 spammers a day, doesn't take a lot of time, I've managed to keep the forum spam free for years.

Edited by Marmite!!
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I would appreciate any help here. Its quite obvious "I hope", that im not a scammer and am looking forward to info on the MLU site regarding my hobby, Carriers and Military Vehicles.


Can't really help unfortunately.


I know Hanno gets swamped with stuff to do and registrations take for ever, but at least you can access and read. I'd try to get in touch with one of the Carrier bunnies on there and get them to post questions on your behalf, maybe?

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