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So - are we all ready then ?

David B.

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I suppose that all over the country there is the smell of new paint,record sales of brake fluid,gallons of fresh fuel and additives being put in and the disinterring of NOS parts in the run in to Normandy.


I hope that we are now in the last stages of preparation with our three vehicles,how are the rest of you doing ?


If all goes well we will be leaving North Oxfordshire on Saturday morning the 31st with ten vehicles altogether to be on our campsite at Asnelles by midday on June 1st.


It will be 40 years since I first took the K2 and 30 years since the Dingo went for the first time. It will be my last time I'm sure and I'm hoping to catch up with a lot of old friends over there.


"Bonne route" to all of you who are going.



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I suppose that all over the country there is the smell of new paint,record sales of brake fluid,gallons of fresh fuel and additives being put in and the disinterring of NOS parts in the run in to Normandy.


I hope that we are now in the last stages of preparation with our three vehicles,how are the rest of you doing ?


If all goes well we will be leaving North Oxfordshire on Saturday morning the 31st with ten vehicles altogether to be on our campsite at Asnelles by midday on June 1st.


It will be 40 years since I first took the K2 and 30 years since the Dingo went for the first time. It will be my last time I'm sure and I'm hoping to catch up with a lot of old friends over there.


"Bonne route" to all of you who are going.




Hi David,

I had Ian call in last week, you must have given him a day off from MT preparations! Will blow the W&P dust of mine this weekend, checked type pressures yesterday, bit of oil and grease and we are good to go.


Hope you have a trouble free week with your fleet, we will no doubt catch up somewhere.


cheers Richard

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Hi David,

I had Ian call in last week, you must have given him a day off from MT preparations! Will blow the W&P dust of mine this weekend, checked type pressures yesterday, bit of oil and grease and we are good to go.


Hope you have a trouble free week with your fleet, we will no doubt catch up somewhere.


cheers Richard


Morning Richard,

It really was a well earned day off for Ian,he's worked his socks off. You talk about a "bit" of oil and grease. I reckon that I've spent about three hundred quid on lubricants !

Hope all goes well for you.

all the best.


Edited by David B.
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I keep thinking I'm ready but the Dodge keeps throwing a temper tantrum and decides it's not going back ! At present most of the non perishable kit is loaded and the truck is behaving, still have not got my canvas back from repair though and there is plenty of time yet for the old girl to misbehave :laugh: Plan B is to take my GPW and trailer but I really want to take the Dodge so it's fingers and toes crossed and a few silent prayers :D Good luck to all making the trip and if you see a Dodge WC 52 with the bonnet up say a prayer also !

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Jeep thing sorted at last as reported elsewhere :D new tyres will be fitted to the bike trailer Tues Norton's ok and we are good to go on the night sailing from Portsmouth on the 29th am looking forward to the trip did 84,94,2004 and 2009 but think this will be the last time I take a vehicle.

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Jeep thing sorted at last as reported elsewhere :D new tyres will be fitted to the bike trailer Tues Norton's ok and we are good to go on the night sailing from Portsmouth on the 29th am looking forward to the trip did 84,94,2004 and 2009 but think this will be the last time I take a vehicle.


I thought I was almost ready until I heard an exhaust blow on the exhaust manifold on My GMC 353 yesterday... 24 hours later I am nearly ready to run it again... I have "only" been working on it for 9 months !!

In 1994 I took 3 small boys and ex-wife to Normandy in a slat Grille Jeep I had totally rebuilt for the trip... Tom aged 6 said "Dad can we get one of those big trucks one day. ? " meaning a GMC 353... 20 years later his wish has come true, and off we go again for untold adventures, stress of breaking down..etc etc..but to be part of something so special to all our hearts cannot be missed..


We leave Thurs. night for a "quiet " 160 mile run to Portsmouth from Harwich.. We will be staying nr Creuily east of Bayeux for a week then 1 week roaming south of St Lo. Ed Abbott

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Bedford and Jeep fully serviced and most of the kit and spares packed and loaded. Will be in Carentan (hopefully) this time next week!!!! 3rd tour....can't wait!. Safe journey to all. Richard.

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