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Half ton Dodge Wc22 restoration at white star militaria


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Hi all hope everyone has had a good christmas.As i have a 2 weeks off i thought i would start a thread for our latest resto at White Star Militaria in Somerset.

As normal my posts will be picture heavy as my typing skills are not great but feel free to ask questions or comment.

This Dodge is a Wc22 half ton pick up D.o.D was 2/20/42 so quite late in production.chassis number of 81913950.With a bit of rubbing back found the original hood number of 242560 in blue but also she had a yellow navy number over the top (more of which later).

To see some before pictures here is a link to the original advert photos http://s389.photobucket.com/user/sjclassics/media/1942%20Dodge%20WC%2022/IMG_6707.jpg.html?sort=6&o=10 to give you idea of condition etc.

First of all we did a total strip down to assess parts/repairs needed.



After removing some rather heavy extra plates we discovered some bad cracks at the front of the chassis where an A-frame of some description had been attached.These were repaired and some gusset brackets made to add strength.

when all chassis repair were finished we sent it away for shot blasting.



Then rear axle was stripped cleaned and overhauled completely,as were the leaf springs(contained extra leaves so removed and put to original).


Re bushed and refitted to painted chassis.

complete strip of rear axle cleaned re sealed then painted.




that will do for this post thanks for looking

Iain AKA sharky

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