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British Vehicle & Trailer numbers


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I found some information in an ACI today. I know some forum members have mentioned the colour of Wartime vehicle serial numbers, and I found the information in a 1943 dated ACI book.


ACI 1672 'B' Vehicles - Display of WD Numbers (as amended by ACI 570 of 1944)

1. All WD owned 'B' vehicles will have their WD numbers clearly painted in white (blue in the case of airborne formations) and displayed in a horizontal position as follows :-

a) Wheeled vehicles which are camouflage painted, other than motor-cycles - On the off-side of the bonnet, wherever practicable, and on the rear of the body. In cases where display on the bonnet is impracticable, the WD number will be painted on the off-side front door, or where no front door exists, on the off-side of the driver's cab.

b) Motor-cycles - Each side of the petrol tank.

c) Motor-cars alloted to members of thge Army Council, GOs C-in-C commands and other vehicles except ambulances specifically exempt under War Office instructions from camouflage painting - On the front and rear registration plates.

d) Ambulances - As described in su-para (a) above, except that the rear number will be displayed on the registration plate when this is already fitted.

2. The normal dimentions of the letters and figures comprising the WD numbers will be 3 1/2 inches high and 2 1/2 inches wide overall and 5/8 inch thick in every part, for all vehicles, except motor-cycles, for which half these sizes will apply. A slight reduction in these dimentions may be allowed in cases where peculiarities in design of certail vehicles render the normal dimentions impracticable, provided that the legibility of the letters and figures is not unduly impaired.

3. The WD number includes the vehicle classification letter and is incomplete without it.

4. ACIs 267 and 2261 of 1942 are hearby cancelled, and the relative instructions in Equipment Regulations, Part 1, 1942, Appendix 52, will be amended in due course.

57/Vehicles (A)/1530 (S.W.V.3)

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Interesting that it only states the numbers are to be displayed on the OFF SIDE and rear of the vehicles, no mention of the number being on near side.


I have come across that statement before in official documents, but many of us vehicle owners display the census numbers on both sides. :undecided:

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