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A good idea brought up by Richard Rosser, he reckons that he shouldn't take the credit for it as he had seen it on another forum. The reason that I doubt you Richard is that I find it hard to believe that there are other forums out there :dunno:!


Seriously, this board has great potential as we all have strenghts and weakness's and I have benefited myself from folks who have helped me out.


I will let it run for couple of months to see if it works otherwise I will pull it.


**Please note, if you think the forum is getting to long then there is a feature that will allow you to collapse each board. For example, if you look at the 'Vehicle' board you will see that next to the word 'Vehicle' next to it you will see an arrow pointing down, click it and it will collapse the board.

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No honest Jack I can’t take all the credit for it, I stole it from another site.


But guys I hope you do use it, I know some of you all ready hold similar “meetings” but for me this has the new person to MV’s in mind.


May be like me you don’t have a work shop or all the skills needed or are under the assumption that “I can’t do that”.


Well ask and others (as I have found out in the past) are willing to give up their time to help, in the process your get to meet others and learn some new skills and who knows maybe pass on some of yours. :-D


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