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Saracen... Gearbox woes..... The saga continues!...

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About 2 yrs ago, my poor 'little', Saracen developed a 'loss-of-drive' fault, in all gears. Initially it was intermittent, or only occurred when warm... It turned out to be an incontinent fluid flywheel centre seal.... Oh dear!, anyways last June, with the help of my veteran saracen and ferret driver-Dad, I removed the engine, to access the offending item.... sadly, my dad passed away in August, so my help became non-existent, then I had health issues myself, resulting in six months off work, and a concurrent knee operation 4 weeks ago. The good news is my knee is fixed, I'm back to work, and I've got back onto the Saracen repairs.... The engine bay has been steam-cleaned and repaired in smooth Hammerite silver, gearbox bell housing in gloss red, (as it was this colour when I took it apart), and all the hydraulic pipes have been re-colour coded, as they would've appeared when new. Yesterday, I spent about 4.5 hours getting the hydraulic pump back into place, which was in itself a bit of a puzzle, as during it's spell in storage, the mounting bracket had shifted position, and it didn't seem to want to fit back into place. I'll try and upload the pictures so far, but may have to do them from my PC later....

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