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RAF Leeming Family Day - June 9th

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The day started early for me, leaving home before 8am in order to meet up with two more vehicles at Stockton, and then another at Croft. From there we continued to Scotch Corner where a further half dozen or so had gathered. The trip took around two and a half hours in total, with around ten vehicles arriving in convoy at Leeming's main gate.


It was warm and sunny to start with, but as the day went on, the clouds rolled in. Eventually the lightning and rain started, directly over the airfield, with the result that the BBMF Lancaster didn't show and we spent the last couple of hours hiding from the heavy rain. The depleted formation of seven Red Arrows Hawks did a flat display in the rain, but it was a close call whether the Reds or nature produced the most cloud over the airfield.


Most of the vehicles sunk into the grass to some degree during the day, and the K6 gantry truck needed to be towed out by the FV. It chucked it down for most of the way home, and at one point on a main road in Durham the flooding created a ford at least two feet deep. Most of the modern cars were approaching this with great caution, but the Jeep ploughed through like a destroyer.









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Thanks for the pictures. I lived at Catterick for over 20 years before I emigrated to Scotland (lol). Used to visit Leeming on a regular basis so was nice to see a few photos of the Happy Eater again!

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