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Trois petites Piggies Militaire


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Not on my list Robin!


What a strange combination of pictures to depict "Vehicules de combat militaire" when all three are or pretending to be in a police role.


Top right is picture of Pig lifted from wikipedia (where it is wrongly described) that is actually a FV1609 as once used by the RUC. On the stamp it has gained some curious white edging reminiscent of a Soviet May Day parade that is not present on the actual vehicle.


The one below is painted grey in an attempt to make people think it was a RUC vehicle. I have watched this vehicle change hands for nearly 30 years & it has no RUC history, other than when it appeared on ebay dressed up like this. Recognise it Paul?


The one on the left is a Pig Squirt painted blue with a stripy bumper from I don't know where.

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