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For 2 weeks thats quite a good price when I look at the prices charged in the off road tracks here in France you pay 300 euros minimum a day per person in their vehicle!

And it is something different:nut: driving around over there.

We drive to Morocco from here for 3 to 4 weeks for our breaks to do some offroading and spend 2000 euros in a month, could be alot more if we broke something!!!

So I think price wise its not bad if you can get a good deal on the flights.



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For 2 weeks thats quite a good price when I look at the prices charged in the off road tracks here in France you pay 300 euros minimum a day per person in their vehicle!

And it is something different:nut: driving around over there.

We drive to Morocco from here for 3 to 4 weeks for our breaks to do some offroading and spend 2000 euros in a month, could be alot more if we broke something!!!

So I think price wise its not bad if you can get a good deal on the flights.




Nah not having it mate, nearly 6 grand for a bit of driving in the sand for a couple of weeks, not to mention the mandatory 2 days off road training at £100 per day, then flights possible hotel at the airport either side of the trip, take into account spends and cost of equipment/clothing you might have to buy before you go then I reckon you're not getting much change out of 7 to 7 1/2 grand.


Don't get me wrong I think it'd be awesome to do as they're doing and I'd love to do it but I think I'll stick with HMG getting me to drive around the deserts of Afghan and paying me good money to do so (even though a bit more dangerous).


Not knocking it, the expedition is a cracking idea but at that cost.... jeeees:shocked:

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"For 2 weeks thats quite a good price when I look at the prices charged in the off road tracks here in France you pay 300 euros minimum a day per person in their vehicle!"


At least half of France is off road tracks, everything from the normal unpaved "chemin de traverse" to virtually impassable tracks over remote mountain ranges for the very adventurous and all of it perfectly legal to use for free, maybe I'm missing something?



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"For 2 weeks thats quite a good price when I look at the prices charged in the off road tracks here in France you pay 300 euros minimum a day per person in their vehicle!"


At least half of France is off road tracks, everything from the normal unpaved "chemin de traverse" to virtually impassable tracks over remote mountain ranges for the very adventurous and all of it perfectly legal to use for free, maybe I'm missing something?




Maybe I should buy myself a couple of land rovers when I get out of the Army, this sounds like money for nothing if people are willing to part with this sort of cash for a bit of offloading.

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The point about the desert trip that makes it different from a trip to France's unsurfaced routes or whatever is that we're offering something that can't usually be done - genuine WWII Jeeps in Egypt, several days drive from the tourist track. The killer, cost-wise, is getting the Jeeps there (and back) and sorting carnets and paperwork as well as the military escort and so on - things that are easier or not required, for example, in France. It isn't cheap but I, for one, am seeing it as the trip of a lifetime and something different because I've been on four of the last five D-Day anniversary tours.


Re French hols; A mate of mine runs Land Rover hols in the Pyrenees but had to jump through a lot of French bureaucratic hoops to be able to do so legitimately (and with insurance).

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I wasn't knocking the price of the Egypt trip I have no idea what it costs, I imagine lots, we had to pay everyone and half there family's to go through Suez...


Egypt is certainly somewhere everyone should go once in their life.:nut:


What I was amazed at is people pay 300 a day in France to go off road, even if you don't have a 4x4 it's amazing where a Hertz can go :-D


There again if any of you do have 300 per person per day spare the SUMB does have 10 spare seats, the Land Rover has 5 but no windows and the Madam driving so a good discount available for those amongst you brave enough, I'll even throw in some fly fishing and lunch, I've only got the one rod though we'll have to share...

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Just got back from a days work and catching up on reading.:D


Down the road from me 300e is what they charge offroading in their vehicles on what was/ is a 500hectare site! aimed at companies, in your own vehicle its cheaper.


As for green laneing in France, yes there are lots of tracks for free but green lanes are not the same as Africa!:cool2:




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