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Everything posted by Mark

  1. Thank you for that reply Brian that explains a lot and keep up the good work.
  2. Mark


  3. Yee Har!!! one for the Brits 8-)
  4. Do the Jimmys/CCKW's have an 'M' classification :dunno:
  5. Hi ya Brent from Maryland, great looking Dodge there you will make a few jealous here with that, a big welcome to our forum and hope you enjoy your stay.
  6. Try this http://www.hmvf.co.uk/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=38&topic=475.0 http://www.hmvf.co.uk/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=38&topic=3711.0 or this http://www.hmvf.co.uk/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=38&topic=6030.0
  7. Maybe, but they do not update that often :?
  8. Never could log into that one, dunno why
  9. THis paper is the local one by the looks of it; http://www.thetfordandbrandontimes.co.uk/content/tbtimes/content/aspx/aboutus.aspx Also from the same paper Pilgrimage to honour soldiers 19 September 2007 SOLDIERS who died for King and country in the first world war are honoured on north Norfolk's town and village memorials, and remembered every November. But what about the thanks owed to those men who fought and came home after the 1914-1918 war? Almost 90 years after the end of that conflict, the son of one veteran thinks it's time to remember his village's unsung heroes. And 78-year-old Mervyn York has chosen an unusual way to pay them homage, as well as raise money for two causes in his home village of Tunstead. Mr York has begun a sponsored Remembrance Walk, covering land farmed by each of the village's Great War soldiers, including his father Reuben. Each of the 10 returning veterans was given a smallholding of about 52 acres in Tunstead so that they could make a living and raise families. Today, none of that land is farmed by any of their descendants, but Mr York has been given permission by its current owners to walk 21 fields this month, raising awareness of local history and keeping the men's memory alive. Some interested residents have asked to accompany him and dogs Sam and Ben on his pilgrimage and he is also planning to erect a plaque in Tunstead Church commemorating the 10: Jack Bacon, Charlie Durrant, George Durrant, Herbert Eaves, Benjamin Newstead, Frederick Nickerson, George Norgate, Robert Richardson, Samuel Wooltorton and Reuben York. Mr York has raised about £250 in sponsorship so far and the cash will be divided between Tunstead School, where he was once a pupil, and St Mary's Church, Tunstead. As a child, he worshipped there three times every Sunday. “Quite a while ago I had it come into my mind there were all these bits and pieces about remembering the chaps who didn't come home from the war and I thought the smallholders could be remembered as well,” said Mr York. “Nowadays no-one in this village ever thinks about them but the other ones have all been remembered. So I came to think about walking their land. They had to work hard for their living.” Reuben York married and raised 10 children on his smallholding, New Barn Farm. He kept cows, bullocks, horses to work the land and a pony to pull the milk cart. And he grew a range of crops until he retired, at the end of 1949. Mr York didn't follow his father into farming, spending 42 years working for the electricity board instead. But he has had a lifelong interest in the agricultural machinery and methods of former years and was one of the founders of the Tunstead Trosh, a popular annual festival, from 1986-2001, which celebrated traditional farming ways. He is also a founder of the annual Skeyton Goat classic car and motorcycle rally. · Anyone who would like to sponsor Mr York can send a cheque, payable to Remembrance Walk, to: 6 Granary Way, Tunstead, Norfolk NR12 8AH, or pay into a Remembrance Walk account which has been opened at the NatWest bank in Hoveton.
  10. Do they do one for a Hurricane then ??????? :-D
  11. I assume it is on a range, whereabots is it??
  12. Is it a Marmon something :dunno:
  13. Ok gents I have been a little (BIG) let down from the RBL organiser in Leysdown in that he does not want to get of his bum and send through all the buckets and collecters cards etc. for the collection that we was going to do on rememberance sunday, is there anyone in the Maidstone area that has already got a point where they are collecting that would want someone else with an MV to help, I am determined to do this as I have said in my letter but I am being stopped at the initail stages through some lazy person who is the RBL man on the island, do they want this or not???? Anyone please help in this?
  14. Spot the difference the flag pole would be on the left hand side :-D or see this link..............http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/geography/unionjack7.html
  15. Expanding on this theme another question arises as to how far would you travel to see a vehicle you were interested in, or would you take someone's word about the condition.
  16. That looks so cool, what it was designed for :clap:
  17. It was early this morning, but with two names I thought he might like to introduce both :-D
  18. Have a nice one TR and how is that video coming on :computerterror:
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