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Everything posted by Mark

  1. Welcome to Dave Shaw No.422 to this forum of ours, tell us about yourself Dave and what you have got :wink:
  2. Hi Paul Welcome to this little (soon to be large) forum, I am sure someone will be answering your question soonest
  3. Mark

    MVT Magazine

    Have you thought about filling them up though!!
  4. This above is where I find that the movement is "snobby", if you have not got a WW2 you can't come or you can come along but at the back and not take part in the show, or words to that effect, this I think is one of the barriers within the movement that needs to be addressed, yes I agree that there are certain occasions that are limited to WW2 vehicles, but the attitude to postwar vehicles need to be lost or there could be fractions within the clubs.
  5. That's what there is Jack, they left most of the stuff behind and that's what captures people's interest I suppose :?
  6. Well done Joris it was a nice service, please post some pictures when you are back from honeymoon :clap:
  7. I use a pair of pin nose pliers, hook one end of the spring in then pull the other end with the pliers and feed into the hole, you may struggle but cheaper than buying a proper tool. Hope that helps :?
  8. Thats good :-D but in my Reo I get 8 to the gallon :cry: but it's free fuel :-D :rofl:
  9. No NO!! I am VERY sure it's a Gazzy type thing from Russki land :?
  10. Kent is quite southern'ish :-o
  11. Yeh best wishes Joris hope it all goes well :yay!: :tup: :beer: And one for the bride :flower:
  12. Hi t20 welcome to our little band, please leave Berni an extra pint with the choccie biscuits :-D
  13. Welcome to you, when you have time post some pictures of your collection be interesting to see
  14. Nice one Simon there's nothing like starting out a new hobby with an expensive bit of kit, watch out for Jack though, he will want one to add to his list :roll:
  15. Nic, but is'nt that always the way :cry:
  16. Superb pictures Noel, were you allowed that close or were you in the film itself
  17. Mark


    I don't know if you are as good looking as me Jack :naughty:
  18. Mark


    A friend of mine is the person who organises MV's for a film company as and when needed, I just happened to be in the right place at the time
  19. Hi Noel Welcome to this here forum, you never know one day you might own a bigger model than previous ones :-D Enjoy and post some pics of your models if possible
  20. Yes indeed I did, as I am sure you are now :-D
  21. Mark


    On Sunday 3rd September my Reo and me :-D will be in the film sequel of 28 days called 28 weeks :?, filming starts at Billingsgate Fish Market in London at 07:00 and a minimum of 8 days will be required ( not all at once apparently ), then there will be locations like Heathrow Airport etc, this will be a first for me and I must say quite exciting (for a change ). Hopefully I will be able to post some pics and keep you upto date with what goes on, this might be a career change, one never knows :beer:
  22. Would they be pink handcuffs with the golden rivet :? :evil:
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