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Lauren Child

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Everything posted by Lauren Child

  1. "I ordered a Ferret, but two digits got transposed when typing the requisition form....."
  2. Damn. The top secret enlarge-o-ray does not appear to work on rubber.
  3. AWww bl***y hell, Indiana Jones is still clinging on. How long can he hold his breath?
  4. I know you dunk your canteen to fill it, but that's not how we refill radiators.
  5. CD Out on December the 25th... Based on a photo from
  6. There's a great story at Bletchley Park of one girl who came back after many years. While doing a tour, one of the guides asked her what she did during the war? She answered "I sunk the Bismarck". It turned out she decoded the message that identified the location.
  7. Now please everyone stand and recite The Lords Praga
  8. Have you seen this? http://jproc.ca/rrp/nro_ww2.html It specifically mentions HF/DF naval communications in Newfoundland.
  9. Bonus points if you can work out which side is the front/back.
  10. I'd had similar thoughts about a bigger project actually. Given so few examples of WW1 tanks survive, surely it would be possible to build an authentic running replica. Does anyone know if the plans survive?
  11. I think it's going to clash with Duxford as well. If I'm reading my calendar correctly, the third weekend of June in 2010 is Fathers Day.
  12. What is the white (wheeled, turreted) vehicle?
  13. It's normally fathers day each year. We are starting to kick off organising the show now, so I'll post definite information as soon as we have it. Great to hear you are both hoping to come
  14. A dodge, lodged, in the hodge-podge. So deep, this beep, may be for the heap. Oh to be free, of this lavatory, with my tree, But it's quit! It's hit a pit of -er- mud.
  15. When I said "opposed piston engine" that's not what I meant.
  16. The Conq does make a lovely noise when running... That said, I understand that the Cent was far more useable and transportable than the Conq, which makes the Cent a far better vehicle for the job.
  17. Wow thanks for that - have you got any others? It's great to see pictures of the museum's earlier days.
  18. Blmey I'd forgotten about this thread. I shall have a good look Thanks Lee!
  19. Simple question - what do you look for in a show? What makes a show good or bad? I'm getting more involved with things at Duxford, so as the time comes for us to organise next years event, I thought I'd open up to some ideas of what people look for in a show.
  20. Guys, A quick question - I'm looking at the WC-51 because I understand it's MAM comes in under 3.5 (metric) tonnes, so I can drive it on my new style car license. Here I'm hearing that the laden GVW is over 3.5 tonnes. Is there a difference between MAM and GVW that I'm missing, or am I looking for a vehicle I can't drive on the road?
  21. HMVF could group together and save the LST at Harry Pounds yard (assuming it's not gone already).
  22. Just a ponderance, but have you thought about linking up with a museum down there and joining forces? You could find that they can provide the venue for free, as it will draw in more visitors and raise awareness, plus you'd have more to offer the punters.
  23. Theres a story at the IWM about a truck being found when they built the land warfare hall at Duxford. The truck had been buried when the Americans vacated the site, and had rusted away to almost nothing. Its probably worth a timely reminder that not everything that's buried on airfields is as nice as a jeep, truck, or sherman tank though. There's probably a lot of buried munitions and other assorted nastiness out there, so if anyone's heading out with a metal detector, be careful.
  24. This message sent using 100% recycled electrons.
  25. I think there were others, hence the need to differentiate. It could be to differentiate with whatever was picked up locally though, so it would be interesting to know if the Prestone was the only official one.
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