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Everything posted by gritineye

  1. That's all good then, modified exhaust eh? Wouldn't be too sure about adding extra silencing......might restrict performance..
  2. Sorry Clive, it's not my sort of thing really.
  3. In picture 10 it looks like he has a leather mud scraper wrapped around the mudguard stays to stop the build up jamming the front wheel, he knows caked grass and mud would have him off every time! Been there got the muddy T shirt.
  4. Came across this by chance while looking for lathe stuff.
  5. well it had to be somewhere cold, he's got gloves on..:-D
  6. http://edamonth.homestead.com/tengreenbottles.html
  7. Finger on the third button Clive..............I'll get my coat.
  8. Next, the third green bottle appears to accidentally fall..
  9. It seems to me the belting is to stop the mudguard bashing the magneto on rebound, not designed with rough roads in mind.
  10. Interesting pix Ivor, it looks like some riders where ferrying carrier pigeons back to the front, as pigeons can only home to home as it were. Tim, I think it may be Zundapp. Interesting that some seem to have a belt wrapped around the fork tops/headstock, maybe some attempt at damping the spring action.
  11. No false teeth here Mike, a couple of gaps though, the stooopid bits must get out through there...... I know some members who can't yet get broadband yet, so they just can't spare the time to post if they want to see pix as well.
  12. Please keep posting, that quote below every post always makes me grin...:-D thread killing is all in the mind anyway, someone has to come last, perhaps we could have a buddy system where we could take it in turns to 'cover' each others last posts, say when a thread appears to have been dead for a few days. Just to ease the torment.. Tim, sorry if you spotted my now disappeared comment to your thread today, just another stoooopid one I'm afraid.....
  13. You mean knowing where you were took precedence over having shiny boots? doesn't sound very plausible, so well done Tony.
  14. Some sort of super accurate pedometer, air operated?
  15. Hell!! I really thought I'd got that one.......
  16. He is winding the handle which is attached to a spur gear in the round housing on his belt, this spins a flywheel attached to the flexible drive going to the sprocket driven straps around his boot. These pull the polishing cloth(seen appearing from under the sole) around and around his boot in order to keep a good shine on them in off road situations, and a spiffing good job it does too. Later versions had two coupled contra rotating devices but were rather tiring to operate........:coffee:
  17. Not boring at all Mark, nice thought provoking thread, but it is often like this, I don't know why, there is a hardcore of frequent posters and hundreds of lurkers, this can be off putting but don't let it stop you. That is not to say people don't like it, I know many are not confident enough to post, you have to allow for that, in conversation when you meet they will often mention enjoying your threads! I for one have periods when it seems I am a 'thread killer', I post a reply and instead of someone responding it ends the thread, very disconcerting. Or sometimes I comment and look at it later and realize it really was stooopid, and have to edit/delete it, I can't be alone in this.......can I? Easier and safer just to not post. A lot of hits are by non members who just got to it by a searching for something else, it is a public forum after all. A hit can be just a quick look at the first pic or few words then off to look at something else, it's not necessary to read the whole thread. Like you I have started threads that have had only a couple of replies and felt stupid for wasting my time, but others have gone very well and been really satisfying and good fun as well, that's what it's all about. Hope this helps, keep up the good work HMVF needs you. :clap:
  18. Great stories Paul, please keep 'em coming.
  19. I suppose with an ally or lightweight container it would be very useful because of it's airportability, which we didn't think of at the time..:n00b:
  20. There were a few in the last Withams tender sale, looked complicated to use, couldn't really see the point unless a low profile was needed.
  21. I would go with Stormin and Chris, it took time to rust on it will take time to free, the rust particles build up into a wedge as you move it so get it moving in and out a bit at a time. Those flanges bend surprisingly easily so careful does it. On the bright side it's better than being too loose.... If you didn't do stuff like this you wouldn't get to show off reversing......:drive:.....:cool: Something went wrong... please excuse cr**py too small wording, it says 'And reversing the dolly trailer'
  22. Great photos Allan, any idea what is being laid under the road? It doesn't look like reinforcing steel, more like cable, tube, or maybe some sort of cost cutting recycling winch ropes.
  23. My brother would get on well with Mr Whittaker, he wrote his PhD thesis on the magnetic fields within a raindrop, one page of which was completely full of apparently random numbers, all done way before computers. After studying it hard for a few hours a pattern not unlike a 3D depiction of the rings in an onion eventually appeared. It passed, although apparently one of the examiners never worked that page out. He is now retired and still shows no sign of getting bored by this endlessly absorbing and fascinating subject.
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