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Everything posted by gritineye

  1. No such thing as a gray area Rob! not in the eyes of Plod, only in the view of those with their head in the sand. Ring your historic vehicle insurance company first and tell them what type of license you have and exactly what you intend to do, if they say you are covered get it in writing. Then let someone else tow it just to be safe :nono: It won't be a gray area after the accident, Plod and insurance companies will know!
  2. Does that mean I'm not barred from the biscuit tin anymore? :coffee:
  3. Clive, I have always had a fascination with these ships bow design, and have never really understood why the backwards sloping shape would have been an advantage. The day before the Turks invaded Cyprus in 1974, I was inPiraeus looking at the warships moored there, the next day they were all gone. We then went on a ferry to an Island and tucked away in a cove we saw a ship with a similar shaped hull, welding work was being done to it. Some American passengers were amazed that the Greeks seemed to be preparing it for war, saying things like "Gee, can't believe they're fixing up that old First World War coal burner, they haven't got a chance!" It certainly looked very old fashioned! PS just spotted Becket :rofl:
  4. Hi Trickey, welcome, to the forum, have you any plans to own your own MV?
  5. Hi Simon, always room for one more, that's a nice Bedford you have married.
  6. Scammell Pioneer + walking beams + pivoted front axle + overall chains = X factor. :coffee:
  7. Seems to have someone laying underneath by look of the booted leg sticking out, or am I imagining it? must have been writing this when Ashley posted, sorry
  8. As usual you're right CW, I seem to remember that the front radius arm mounting had torn off the chassis at Weavers, and it was coils all round, this being the latest thing then. Maybe it was work in progressive development. :confused:
  9. I have a spare set of dash board instruments for an explorer, are these the same? all OK just need a bit of refurbing, let me know if he can't get any locally.
  10. The owner of that Explorer drove it down from Darby to Bordon just for the day, his name escapes me but he was very enthusiastic and certainly knew how to drive it! I can be spotted in the background videoing it for HMVFTV.
  11. Hi Gord, welcome to the forum. I have flown over you prairies, it's a vast place you live in, are there many MV gatherings close by?
  12. :goodidea: A very good idea croc, every one take note! updated index posted, if you see anything wrong just pm me.
  13. Sorry to hear that, what a shame, hope they pay up soon!
  14. This is all very interesting as the winch is often looked on by many as a Scammell design masterpiece! Please tell me they at least designed the serving gear. I know people who attend Scammell gatherings with AEC Militants purely on the name on the winch!
  15. Those two chaps in the first pic don't seem too happy to have been issued with a Pioneer :confused: Anyone have any idea what the cables waving about above the one in the 56 pic are for?
  16. Mark, one of the most reassuring things to fit to an older vehicle, as per previous posts fit to the earth side. Beware of the cheap ones with a red plastic bayonet fitting type of key, often sold by Landrover accessory outlets, these caused us so many problems on competition vehicles due to lack of robustness. Use a good quality nos MV one, good value at Beltring. PS agree with the wiping action comment
  17. Index #49 finds it, now owned by top man John Millam, (E. Sx., nowhere near London:-D) often seen in the company of Harris's Explorer and Matadors.
  18. Another pic I found a while ago on the web Neils, strangely does not seem to be on the site written on the pic any more.
  19. I think it may be ex RAF nick, someone else will know for sure.
  20. Hi Thor, yes it's nice to be in a place where barking mad is normal, it has been quite a relief for a lot of us too!
  21. Since the banning of hunting with hounds, it is always worth keeping a couple of Cents around the place to deal the odd fox! :-D
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