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Everything posted by gritineye

  1. Now this bit is really interesting, any more to tell or any pics? You say a major undertaking so I'm hoping you managed it somehow and then removed it again.
  2. You showed em CW, no good starting you at the back!
  3. If my short experience of towing a Centurion on a Holeybone is anything to go by, it looks like Explorer might have been trying to turn left and the tank wanted to go straight on. The tanks momentum pushed the Explorers rear end round until the off side wheels dug in and found some grip and over it went! The Explorers tow hitch is too low for a Cent as the Holeybone sloped down to the hitch, if it was the same with this one that would lift the rear of the Explorer when pulling and so it would have less grip. the Explorers high c of g. and the sloping ground helped as well I think. It looks like the tank kept pushing after the Explorer had laid down as it's well up the bank beside the track. Wrong vehicle for the job certainly, as I found out! it would tow it OK even up a slight slope, but even at low speed the Cent took charge of Forceful, it was very strange feeling drifting sideways while towing. :shake: In this video you see Andy get in and steer the Cent after that happened. Something went wrong... Interesting set of pics Mike, thanks! Joris is a clever chap isn't he?
  4. A few more little snippets of local civy life at the time, told to me by locals. A lady farmer at Herstmonceux, (or Herkymoo as we say) a village about 5 miles from Polegate, was tending graves at the church there with her mother when they heard a huge bang, the loudest thing they had ever known. There was no sound of any plane and no warning at all, this scared them so much they rushed home straight away, they later learned this was the V2, which landed in Broad Road, Polegate. Her father, when the flying bombs were "coming really thick" used to shoot at them from the attic window, but he could never get the speed right so missed them all! On the first day of the war a steam engine was heard going to and fro along the railway line blowing it's whistle all the time, it turned out this was an air raid warning because the proper ones had not been put up yet, the plane that caused the alert was in fact just returning with some important people from Europe.
  5. Well done Joris thanks. Jack, I will post a longer, better quality I hope, version of Your Big Plank Day on Youtube asp and link it here.
  6. Well got it in the end! the best thing is you can have every video in this thread running at the same time, fantastic! turn up your speakers :-D
  7. Hi rbm, is this the same truck being discussed here post #6? The new looking rad makes me think it is. http://www.hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?p=102824&highlight=daimler#post102824
  8. It says "Embedded disabled by request":confused:
  9. I wondered how you did that bit of electrickery, now found the tag in the reply window, I still don't really get it either. Mack NO and long tom in last few seconds of the 1st film, rare footage!
  10. Shave at least 3 times a day, got an old long plastic toothed sort of razor, doesn't seem to work too well though! :coffee:
  11. That looks like the Pioneer owned by Kevin Watkins, North Island, New Zealand. Gun Tractor, Chassis no. 3623, wartime reg.H4500335, still working! Holds the honour of moving the first house of the millennium at one second past midnight January 1st 2000. I think he still has another very rare Scammell high on Andy's lottery list!
  12. I got a free white metal Explorer kit in much the same way a few years ago, I didn't suggest it and wasn't complaining either, just commenting on the picture of my Explorer on the web advert, it wasn't even my photo but he assumed it was! :-D
  13. Thanks for that nice to know how it should all work Mark. I also would never think one of the management would nick members stuff, I hope no one thought I did, as you say it's a trust thing. I had already thought of the low res thing which makes it pretty unlikely anyone would print any photos lifted off the site anyway.
  14. Please don't misunderstand the reason for this post, I am just seeking clarity not complaining. How does this rule work in view of what is said below in the Landrover gallery thread? I have only just noticed what the rules state, I thought copyright remained with the person who took or owned the photos or wrote the text. As we are posting on a public forum there is little chance of us preventing our photos from being copied and that is fine with most I would think, however should some one decide to publish one of our photos say in a magazine without payment, which we objected to, who would be the recipient of any money if it was paid? Does this mean that we should protect our photos with a watermark or copyright symbol before posting just in case?
  15. Something a bit unusual here Lee last set of CWs pics wider than page http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?p=124608#post124608
  16. not really, oh all right then, spose we'll have to now we've started :rolleyes:
  17. Not the same wrong colour bumber!
  18. Mine are very thick felt Andy, it shows felt in my w/shop manual and packing in the parts book. I reckon felt would be better being more squeezable. Maybe a long strip of not so thick felt wrapped round a few times would do? You can get that in green I'm sure :-D
  19. Will do next time we're up there Snap, trouble is there is a parking charge now imposed so we tend to go to other parts of the downs now. (poor old pensioners, money is better spent on Forceful!)
  20. I have a second HDD installed and use Casper to clone my master drive onto it after running defragment/virus scanner/CCleaner. This has saved me lots of agro a couple of times because all I have to do if something goes very wrong is to re-boot useing the cloned drive and I'm off again in minutes with every thing as it was at the time I cloned it, I can usualy then google the problem and sort it. If I can't fix it, I use the second drive for a while to make sure it's OK I then clone it back to the master, which is wiped at the same time which gets rid of the problem. Some people don't like cloning as any problems/viruses etc are copied as well, I have never had a virus or any spyware off the web, I did have one trojan that came in from a disc, I have only ever used Firefox and had Avast free edition for many years. A little free program called Startup Monitor is very useful, it prevents annoying programs from registering themselves behind your back. XP only I think. http://www.mlin.net/StartupMonitor.shtml
  21. Hi and welcome, just one other job needs doing, NOS and I are having a job getting the top pulley fitted on the chairlift tower, how's your head for heights?
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