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wally dugan

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Everything posted by wally dugan

  1. two AUSTIN CHAMPS one series 2A LIGHTWEIGHT and a red TR 4
  2. YES well done steve and roy you will do it one day
  3. Clive as far as l know any thing like this with two wheel is called a cart any thing with four wheels is a wagon if horse drawn
  4. is it for lighting up the sight internally
  5. the cart does not look like either a limber ammunition or a stores limber it may be the picture does not show any mounting between the axle and the body this detail may not be important therefore it must be the other contents of the body that are not shown
  6. is it to do with a telephone switcboard
  7. Well up to now i have thought on the lines that this would be taken on exercise to provide lighting would it be used around a base where there would be mains power if so is it mobile inspection light of some sort
  8. So the light is used during day light which could mean inside a tent then what is going on in side but it could go on after dark its the cookhouse some of the meals i have eaten must have been cooked in the dark
  9. In light of some of your most resent objects no pun intended lighting for the officers loos
  10. HI PAUL I would say save it it would look nice behind a period british military truck
  11. Given the choice it would have to be the GM FOX MK1
  12. IT looks like a oblong box for want of a better term is mounted under the axle and not at the rear is it dispensing something
  13. IS IT BRITISH a two wheeled army cart and is for testing purposes
  14. Looks like a FV2505D Trailer Flat platform 2 tonne made by rubery owen if you can get a look at the 1971 BRITISH MILITARY BOOK on pages 76 77 78 79 there is two pictures of both types
  15. Will be done by friday on landrover stuff so will look over the weekend
  16. hi you maybe lucky the file of papers my well be in my loft the file is to my memory about 3 inches thick and A4 it came from CHERTSY OR CHRISTCHURCH ALONG WITH OTHER FILES it would take time to find but if you can wait I am trying to put together a piece on the landrover 101s powered trailers from original trials reports at the moment can I ASK someone to help I type with one finger so it takes time to reply to a post so when I PRESS SUBMIT REPLY UP POPS YOU HAVE NOT LOGGED IN SO I RE LOG IN AND UP POPS THE REPLY TWICE WHAT AM I DOING WRONG REGARDS WALLY
  17. I would like to make two coments this subject has been raised on a number of occasions over many years I recall getting letters on this subject from members of the public and talked to Bart VANDERVEEN on this very same matter we did find in the papers of a commitee formed by the war DEPARTMENT who where discussing the new range of engines to be fitted to the military fleet of vehicles this went on to be the B range of engines there was referance to engine failures towards the end of world war 2 secondly it may be 40 odd years since I first started working on military vehicles but some things you do not forget a oil ring or scraper ring is to allow thin flim of oil to re main on the surface of the bore further more due to the close proximiity of the piston to the oil being discharged from the bearings combined with cylinder distortion has demanded a scraper ring that exerts an outward pressure of about 3150 kpa [450 Ibf/ins] this is about twenty times as great as the standard iron types I think that shoud answer the question about why they fit scraper rings finnally the BOOK i refered to was just one of a series on wartime engines fitted to all manufactures vehicles supplied to the war department 1939 to 1945 there are seven volumes the bit i quoted in my first post refered to the K5 engine it was interesting to see that it applied to the K2
  18. I would like to make two coments this subject has been raised on a number of occasions over many years I recall getting letters on this subject from members of the public and talked to Bart VANDERVEEN on this very same matter we did find in the papers of a commitee formed by the war DEPARTMENT who where discussing the new range of engines to be fitted to the military fleet of vehicles this went on to be the B range of engines there was referance to engine failures towards the end of world war 2 secondly it may be 40 odd years since I first started working on military vehicles but some things you do not forget a oil ring or scraper ring is to allow thin flim of oil to re main on the surface of the bore further more due to the close proximiity of the piston to the oil being discharged from the bearings combined with cylinder distortion has demanded a scraper ring that exerts an outward pressure of about 3150 kpa [450 Ibf/ins] this is about twenty times as great as the standard iron types I think that shoud answer the question about why they fit scraper rings finnally the BOOK i refered to was just one of a series on wartime engines fitted to all manufactures vehicles supplied to the war department 1939 to 1945 there are seven volumes the bit i quoted in my first post refered to the K5 engine it was interesting to see that it applied to the K2
  19. HI first of all Ihave checked the oil recomended for both these vehicles as it has been said 30 H.D is the one recomended secondly Ihave found a work shop manual covering AUSTIN engines used by the war Department it seems that engines fitted to austins below two ton had Aluminium Alloy pistons those up to Five ton had Cast IRON PISTONS I Quote from the book on the subject of piston rings fitted [ fit two compression rings and one oil control ring to each piston ] the BOOK appears to be dated 1944
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