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Posts posted by ruxy

  1. On a M201  - lifting the bonnet ,  a Bosch coil to me seems a bit incongruous  - they were Frenchified , such as the Carter for a Solex , so I would expect a SEV Marchal.   So has the Bosch been fitted as a near by a PO  ?

    You should be able to quote that code to Bosch Automotive and obtain data & alternatives,  however IMHO it is a supposition that it would be as originally intended .  If I sift through the odd book I have - I may be able to determine.

  2. 3 hours ago, Surveyor said:

    Have look on companies house website all sorts of useful information there

    Yes,   refer to  Company No.  6457216  -  however as always it needs bang up to date research prior to taking effective action..   Mr. Nelz Nelson has put himself on a long-rope , however this type of Mr. R. Sole  has no hiding place , unless he takes up sleeping in a shop doorway overnight.   His home address ,  if he owns it (most important - is he worth bankrupting)  - such details are so readily obtained , along with  £ tied up in any business..

  3. Prior to filling any forms (don't fall at the first hurdle) , you need to establish  ' who you are dealing with'  as party to any proceedings.  It seems to me that this is not a Mr.  Nelz Nelson it is a  "Non-Limited Company"  known as  Elite Militaria,  my understanding is that this is legally technically different to 'Sole Trader' status - you need best opinion on this point.   From my experience in a County Court , paying for Solicitors & Barrister , you win your case then have to £ fund a Costs Hearing - then employ a "Practitioner" ,  so I hope for your sanity the Small Claims Court procedure is a easier ride !      At least his business is not Ltd. Liability - so if he has any assets in the name of his "Non-Limited Company" - then you may just be in with a small chance - provided there is no  "  Licensed Insolvency Practitioner" involved.

  4. The plate you found was on the seat-base  ?

    Have a look for the  VIN plate - lift bonnet - probably on firewall , back of engine is a fav. position.  Otherwise search cab.   You may find a nomenclature plate that states the VRM  (military registration mark).  

    Collect that info. and do a  FOI request , somebody on here should be able to give the latest instructions.  With the VRM - you should be able to do a Merlin search on-line, that would give you military history - postings locations etc.  Disposal date , where disposed of.

  5. I don't see that charging away from base radius will be a problem.   Many people are going to get a rapid charging point pedestal next to their front drive.

    Just like some people rent out their drive for regular parking during daytime, people will order them for use with any card, you will just drive on a strangers drive , use your card , charge-up and go.

  6. That Contract No.  / Warrant No. plate - alone must be worth a few  ££  quid, and the OD hardly needs T cut.       Any snags getting  into MV show ground for  £ zilch as spectator / exhibitor  -   just show the all important plate  + no problems for Kit and quite good storage security.

    Actually for £ free entry to visitor park - I find a yellow bridge plate gets me a wave past the gate  LoL


  7. A bloke at Darlington by name of Bob Isles (Isles Transport , being his legit business) , he was a  'time-served'  "restorer" of artic trailers , premises was the Darlington Forge main building.   About 1970/71 he had part of the forge & his yard stacked  four high with Jeeps.    He specialized in purchase from US Forces in UK  (so he told me)  - when he was showing me ISO containers full of cans of OD paint & Jeep engines (crated).  Actually - these Jeep were very slow moovers and many were all good. Some time in the 80's he moved on to Sherpa pick-ups -  there was still a few being used by builders in D'ton and surrounding area around Y2K.  

  8. Such as the  'strapped'    G.S. shovel by Bulldog or Spear & Jackson , is the authentic MOD spec. (used on tailgates)  and I don't it has changed.  Forget the inferior pressed steel ones, the forged ones are always dated from WW" era and by several manufacturers (IIRC the pressed steel ones are dated, general issue to all & sundry gov. departments).


    What is described as the R.E. Shovel  -   I think that is what is now called - the No. 2 Round Mouth Shovel , ash shafted -  likewise by Bulldog  and S&J + probably Carter. Same  'strapped' with ash T handle.

    The no. 2 is the shovel fitted to such as a Hard Top back door , at angle (the bracket bigger than for G.S.) , same bracket used on front wings.

    Not come across that type of digging spade branded  MOD  broad-arrow before but a spade is a spade.  I would expect strapped not inferior socket construction, best quality Irish spades are always strapped.

    Pick-axe  head, the head may differ slightly on curvature by 1/2"  (you would expect from forging method) ,  I would have to go to garage & measure - I think that is the modern span - so unchanged.

    The helve - again I would have to go to garage and measure - I think unchanged.    The metal socket is often dated & older ones are malleable iron.   Modern ones are pressed steel & manufactured now only by Carter.


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  9. I think most of the 'rare earths' for magnets etc.  that are exploitable presently are within China .   When the British & US moved out of Afghanistan  (gas pipelines from Ex- USSR to India were forgotten , the natives demanded excessive tolls)  , the Chinese moved in and now control the richest deposits of copper ore and in fact the largest mine in the world.   I think it is opencast , I read a few years ago that ancient human sites are just cleared away.

  10. The eBay photographs -  the box is  "Land Rover Parts & Equipment"  LRPE  at earliest 1985 when Unipart lost the Genuine spares supply contract , spares moved to the Caterpillar supply logistics chain warehouse at Desford. 

    Note - original supply to AUSTIN ROVER ITALIA   , and what I stated in my previous post about Optional Parts Cat. page for Italy.,  vendor also states on box  -  manufactured  06/13/1998.

    Well  -   I have just been groping said mirrors in the dark using a torch , just to convince myself of what I already know - that the correct mirror glass is FLAT. I having driven using them for abt. 40 + years I don't think they have any built in optical illusion - no distortion whatsoever.   

    Don't believe microfiche , don't believe the Solihull parts lists .   The rear of the shell looks correct for construction (rivet counting - 4)  .  Although I think they may be marked just Wingard or possibly Britax Wingard too.  


    My view of these mirrors is that - considering L'wt has a single squab(s) position and build of different drivers.  In my case I can set them safe for overtaking (even with trailer/caravan, and still set for rear corner of L'wt body.  Before noticing them fitted I had used the standard extended front wing but had to fit matching head door kit (uses light pressed bracket) that also had a Halfords "little over-taker wedge mirror secured with double side tape.   Also with a ATU or TUAAM box on wing things are getting a little congested.

                                  However - they do look a bit clumpy and not quite right although practical for all purpose.   I prefer the more dainty standard wing and optional  UK civvy door kit mirror , refined still by the very early 1970's round plastic head (that lasts longer) than the orthodox  oblong plastic head (the oblong plastic head is now probably unobtanium) , the Britpart plastic round head is very close).

    The  Ebay asking £ price for that head in Italy - I'd rather carve a  'genuine' copy with my front teeth.



  11. This is where the thread stems from  :-


    It is ref. to CARS   petrol,diesel & hybrid.

    DERV is already being well hammered for particulates etc.  - that is a added issue.

    To repeat - the point being , there is going to be a point say for argument 15 to 20 years hence , when the car fleet(s)  made today  is at scrap of life.   There may I suspect be another scrappage.  scheme at a earlier date.   At this time , let us just concern ourselves presently with petrol - there will hardly be a dispensing pump on a forecourt.   This for MV enthusiasts is going to be the issue.

    • Like 1
  12. You hear/read  'stories' of E5 attack on best quality (marked) fuel hose ,  odd stories of E5 attack on carburettor die-castings  - zinc / mazak metal   ?

    The VW Beetle ISTR had no problem in such as Brazil with very high ethanol content.   Possibly they just fitted a Chinese copy carb that was made of suitable metal, IIRC front to rear there was only a few inch of rubber petrol hose , the line through chassis being Bundy.

    Now South America  are using E100   and I can't see them going off it.   I understand best efficiency for conversion is human/animal quality grain ,  but understand any compost gunge is suitable for distilling- just need to process on a larger scale to obtain a gallon.


  13. I lost track of gas power ,  ISTR  approx.  1998 to 2005  car manufacturers were offering dual fuel gas/petrol Ex-Works.  Ford or Vauxhall were £ price matching to diesel & the other was £200 extra on list for diesel.

    Most of the DIY gas conversion kits were of Italian manufacture (seemed reasonable quality and tanks CE certified) , two garages near me were doing a very tidy installation (and selling gas).    Then there was some pressure from some trade organization squealing to the gov. that there should only be licensed  installers with a scheme similar to Corgi  -  then it all seamed to die a death  ?    Possibly petrol had got £ lots cheaper   LoL

  14. 2 hours ago, wally dugan said:

    Have l misunderstood this l thought the ban applied  only to vehicle made after that date when ever. So are they going to stop the use of all vehicles using  petrol and diesel after that date as there will be still thousands in use to me it looks like yet another ill thought out idea no clear policy  just my thoughts

    Yes, I agree but as others have already fleshed out more - the indeterminate point will arrive in the non too distant future , when liquid diesel and petrol dispensing pumps at larger filling stations. They are going to first reduce the number of pumps to maintain on the forecourt, then you will be left with a few remote locations of "specialist" vendors from pumps. . Such fuel sales will be totally uneconomic because almost all cars are by then battery electric (the sales of which are accelerating).  At this point in time there will be no liquid pumps to mention within the more rural hinterland.   My stated view is that this will happen far sooner than many consider.  Also what will speed up battery electric is the youth of today (keep up with the latest)  and be up to date - think iPhone as opposed to a Nokia of 20 years ago, or a concrete block on a leather shoulder strap of early 1980's.  They will also wish to have access to town / city centre. Others seem to agree with self but it will happen over a much longer time scale.

  15. 1 hour ago, johnwardle said:

    I ran an LPG powered Sherpa van for about 5 years, it we previously owned by West Yorkshire council who converted all their petrol engined vehicles to LPG to stop fuel theft. My only problem was the lack of LPG pumps in the wilds of North Yorkshire, this was finally solved when I had a hose made up to fill the van tank from our LPG heating tank! 

    That must have been cheap motoring from a bulk tank  ?

  16. 1 hour ago, MatchFuzee said:

    This one is even embossed PO


    Actually , that is a very rare  "Special" , more so because it has survived ,because the case moulding  is not cracked , the plastic cracked after several years - I would say more because subject to sunlight than air-pressure stress.    It is in fact  'almost' like the S3 Lightweight oblong plastic model  for wings (also used mainly on civvy Optional door mirrors).  The PO were funny on marking nickable property , like British Railways.   The S3 Lightweight mirror head does NOT have that extra taper to the sides.      It would be white for curb crawling & on the wrong side of road !

  17. 1 hour ago, CMP-Phil said:


    Back to the original question how can we keep our MVs running particularly the WWII gasoline powered?  For years I have suspected with the changes in gasoline we will reach a point where engines with carbs will simply not be practical.  All ready in the US the Ethanol gas has caused many problems (which is a different topic) but the result is going to make it more of a problem to keep running.

    So what do I plan to do, answer LNG or propane the converstion units are out there, lots of forklifts us them.  The only thing will be where do we put the tanks?

    Cheers Phil

    I had a  Landi Hartog  (quality)   IIRC off a Hyster FLT with a Teledyne Continental Engine , first on a "Auntie" Rover  with cylinder frame off counterweight bolted in boot  LoL   then better installed on a S3 Land Rover (this was late 1970's).   Climax (Coventry)  then part of Leyland Special Products group gassed the  Land Rover S3  3mb  , then later Climax-Kalmar , then Kalmar used the same but  5mb pet. engine for gassing. No problems at all , however duration may have showed because IIRC these FLT engines were with a different cam more suitable for bombing up/down warehouses than motorways..

  18. 3 minutes ago, MatchFuzee said:

    Is this the correct mirror? 


    It seems to me wrong shape/size of shell , also the clip seems the smaller size & thus the delve for swivel is also wrong dims.

    It is a much more complex subject.    Probably you will find the correct type on Post Office Sherpa vans , & other authority that specified HD fittings.   I don't recall the HD's on agricultural tractors.

  19. Bob  -    believe me , I have "MIRROR" correspondence going back to Sept. 1984  when I purchased L'wt  50HG75 (DIS 12/1980) ,   Contract FVE22A/115/ Item 4  this was with a Mr. Isdale of Land Rover  (Solihull Technical)    .      He also supplied me with the Contract  "Supplementary Parts List" ,  I had to phone him (as normal) to receive info. he was able to only give verbal.  It is interesting that the sketch on the list front cover shows both wing and door mounted mirrors , this is probably wrong, the contents for mirrors on Page 22  MISCELLANEOUS STOWAGES AND EQUIPMENT is also wrong , and Mr Isdale agreed it was very very wrong,  he did give me an explanation  -  the vehicle was part of a frustrated export order for the Shah of Iran  (like tanks politically blocked) , so the British Army received a 'windfall' of tanks and L'wt.

    I would suggest the British Gov. immediately blocked export (Jan. 1979) to Ayatollah Khomeini probably as soon as he left his tent on the outskirts of Paris. 

    ISTR you have 19HF14  (FFR)   Contract FVE22A/87/ Item  1 

    (I have 23HF86)  GS  FVE22A/87  Item 3    DIS   July 1979  .  I obtained at CMA Shepshed  on 21/3/1989,  not a minta but VGC  - I paid top $    in fact  £2950 , on the day I also paid £442.50  VAT  (to get it off their premises)  (total  £3392.50)   ..   I disputed the VAT on the  'rules'  and later they paid it back. 

    Likewise - I have the Solihull detail build sheets  Contracts  FVE22A/78/87 & 94 (I believe for all Item Nos.  -  built between  Jan. to Nov.  1979).

    Rover Mods.  L16913/17364/17668


    I again tackled the Sales Rep for Wingard ,  later I drove 23HF86  1 mile to the premises of Snowballs (Railway Street) Bishop Auckland,  to again request the door mirrors to be positive ID ,  received Ref. nos. for their Agent (Snowballs ) to order on.   Snowballs were still in part with their main business of Ex-WD Bedford lorries & spares for.  

    I then again consulted with Wilsons Motors .  LR franchise dealers along the street,   the conclusion reached :-


    Page  2E12      Series 3 Land Rover  DESTINED for France and Italy from  November 1977 onwards.

    You will be aware of  LR  Fiche  S3   88"  1/2 ton  MILITARY VEHICLE

    RTC9968FA     June 1993

    It gives Fiche2 2  D7    BODY CHASSIS MIRRORS.

    It gives Note 1  and  Note  2    Fitted up to July 1982 and from August 1982

    The above note(s)  are truly WRONG  ,   how can it be correct when clearly the hardware in situ. evidence indicates as supposition they were fitted as far back as 1979  ?    Yes  - they could have been retro-fitted in service.

    IMHO   the documentary evidence covers L'wt built from Jan 1979  ORIGINALLY ORDERED FOR THE BRITISH MOD,   however  NOT for EXPORT ORDER (originally but vehicles taken on strength by the British MOD).


    There is no doubt what the Solihull  DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE  states 19HF14 was  "Ex-works"  mirror fitted & you may not like to be told  :-

    1.   Wing mounted  569137   , Mirror complete,mounted on wings  coded as  AD   (AD  from Preface  =  to indicate an additional item on the vehicle)

    In fact these are the long stem (Lightweight specific ONLY   Wingard boomerang)  AND fitted with a ROUND plastic head  606178 (Unipart No. Supersession  also IIRC).    The interesting thing is these were IIRC originally  Rover 1 S2A and very early S3    --FL--    ,   from --FM--   approx. up to  door mounted type the Mirror head was the Wingard oblong plastic type -  345599  !!

    However  -  there is no doubt whatsoever (according to Solihull records)  yout L'wt was Ex-works for defo. with a pair of  MRC2863  Mounting bracket for door mirror.

    So there in a nutshell you have it -  thick plate type bracket ,  BUT NO  ARM & MIRROR secured to same.  

    So -  if not Dispatch rectification, did the Ordnance Depot actually order in and fit the  HD door mirror arm and head (as explained identical to the France & Italy  "Export Spec."  )   or from abt.  1984 they may just have discovered the  Civvy Defender   MTC5085  Arm  for convex mirror , could in fact be fitted to the special HD thick bracket then mount it's mate  MTC 5084  Exterior mirror -convex.

    We  (you and I ) are aware  = just thumb through the MJC book,, in service all sorts of adaptations were made for / to L'wt wing mirrors and also alternative makes/sizes (plastic & metal shells) heads to Wingard arms.

    Me  ,    being a self-appointed , worst type of rivet-counter -  I go along with how the vehicle left Solihull "Dispatch In/Out"  (rectification could in fact change things)  .    Door mirrors on Late Lightweights - probably the only detail I don't know for absolute certainty.



  20. Almost every evening when the BBC national & local  (NE & Cumbria) news is on , my wife requests that I leave the room for  'chuntering'  about the NON-news (propaganda) content.  This evening , there was a "campaign report" for the benefit of a firm based at what was known as ICI Wilton Works - their plant is idle due to lack of demand for Bio-Ethanol (in this case produced from grain).  The commenturd  stated that if the government forced through a rise from 5% to 10% content within 'petrol'  (E5 to E10)  then that would remove the equivalent of  700,000  cars from the public highway .   MV enthusiasts + all other motoring enthusiasts have little clout in comparison to such power groups of private enterprise that demand and obtain free airing of the way they see it, on the state regulated news that I have to pay a license for  !

  21. 9 hours ago, johann morris said:

    I don't know where you are in the world but here in Wales every petrol station still sells liquid fuel and I can't think of one that has stopped in the 30 years that I have lived here.

    One of my wife's friends lectures at uni on such issues and when I have conversations with her, she is totally unable to explain how, it really frustrates her that unlike her students I will not accept the " it's something that they will have to work out" answer. What car dose she drive, a diesel and why, because the distance that she has to travel an ev would not be appropriate. There are so many questions that have to be answered, so many problems that have to be solved and the easiest of those is who is going to pay, bend over we are just about to be shafted.

    I presently live Weirddale  (I suppose better described as both upper & mid.),  although I suppose I am more Teesdale  mid. / Gaunless Valley. I have property(s).  From memory  I could type you a whole list of village names in these upper valley where there was once a filling station within the village and in many cases another filling stations locally not within the village , sometimes among fields or a road junction.  Since about 1980 - these filling stations have almost all closed , often the garage services folded , often they were franchise for new car sales, today - many have a residence built upon .  Previous 40 years , petrol/DERV sales have moved to the new supermarkets.    It is the same through Durham to the east coast, all Northumberland , across to Cumbria west coast , North Yorks Pennines. 

  22. It is more or less ordained that  LNG is to be used to power heavy lorries (bio/LNG being the best with zero emissions), buses & ships - because it is here (won over alternatives , until the next best comes).

    Likewise with cars , there are now some very good cars - such as the electric  VW Golf ,  battery technology has advanced very fast these last few years, + the benefits of regenerative braking.

    The petrol and diesel cars purchased new tomorrow - most will be scrapped by time 15 years has expired.   Liquid fuel pumps at motorway service areas & supermarkets will start to go in 10 years time, most have already gone in the countryside.

    Diesel cars will be powered with fuel from the micro bio. type cottage industry and DIY that already exists.  

    If you put aside the US Oil Industry and Rockefeller's  'seven sisters'   ,   the main early industry was Samuel (what became Shell Transport & Trading)  out of Baku (Russia) ,  Kerosene for the far east - ships safe registered for the Suez Canal, then there was no market for petrol - it was a total PITA.   Early refining at Baku, Poland - then the part known as Galacia (Austro/Hung.)  and Roumania was unbelievably primitive,  like a redundant locomotive boiler , the possibility of a DIY cottage industry today for petrol & kero is impossible even if you could get shot of the rest from the base-stock.  Fortunately propane is a safe bet for petrol engines ,  unless the politicians wreck the bottled propane industry.

    I think the MV, car, transport + tractor type summer events are going to be killed off over the next 20-25 years, you will be left with steam until the parliamentarians decree coal sales are illegal.

    Smart Motorways to prevent overcrowding on the cheap will become a thing of the past, the proletariat motorists are to be  £ priced off the roads..

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