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Everything posted by kpu121265

  1. I can only take (any) credit for the cr4p ones. For some reason, we seem to have acquired three photogrpahers now, two of which are professionals - the definition of which seems to be that they can take good photographs, but actually getting any of them out of the camera takes for ever! We are still waiting for some of the Heckmondwike photographs to be chiselled out of some memory cards! Ken
  2. Sorry. I'll try a more sensible approach then. Is it electrical? Ken
  3. That's easy, it's a revolving toilet. The seats are clear in the lower illustration. The upper one shows the associated toilet paper dispenser mechanism. Have i missed the point already? Ken
  4. I'd rather be going shopping for duct tape than a washing basket any day....
  5. Congratulations Rick, looking forward to the next time we trip over each other - it won't be Beltring.... Regards Ken
  6. On a recent school visit. In the diamond t:- Pupil:- "What does that do" Me:- "It's a window winder" Pupil:- "What does that do" Pupil:- "Can i drive that?" one of the half tracks Me:- "No, not today" Pupil:- "My Dad lets me drive his Porcshe" - radio controlled i suspect Pupil:- "Is that a real gun" Me:- "Yes, but it's been deactivated" Pupil:- "Could i still shoot the headmaster with it?" Ken
  7. And some moving pictures from the event - not from me, i'm just posting them up...
  8. A couple more British ones. These are just some of the images, the rest are still being 'developed'....
  9. What about this for a sequence of shots (pardon the pun)....
  10. Okey Dokey - thought you'd be fed up by my hogging this thread with images from our photographers....
  11. If you have not lost the will to look at pictures of this event, i have more........ Ken
  12. Hee hee, well, my plan worked. However, having reviewed the tapes, the real sequence of events is as follows.
  13. Generator (1941 Hobart) and lighting were a triumph again, but still more in demand for the charging of various IPOD/PAD, BBs, mobile phones, cameras, even hair rollers were warmed using it in preparation for the dance on the Saturday. Three day event eh Stu, we should get the local schools in on the Friday or Monday then.... Cath has a contact at Leeds Education Authority. Given that we were there with 8kg of spam for four days for a two day event, that means 10.4kg spam and 5 days - hurrah! Ken
  14. The CAT made it out and about a few times.... It was great to get it to a show and she generated quite a bit of interest - but then it is a fairly unusual vehicle to see trundling around. Again, i could not have got her there without Stuart's help. We slowed the tracked vehicle parade down considerably on the Saturday. Yep, followed up on the lighting set thanks Rich. I have something that works for the moment, will post the pics tomorrow..... It is just some of the drops i am missing from this original set. It was a great show, and i expect next year will be even better.....Our hospitality awaits anyone who wants it, and the 'packed punches' have been banned from next years event.... We are already stock piling spam. Ken
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