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Posts posted by ashley

  1. Hi all,

    as said be for i know of one other (used in a local timber yard)and was still in use 2 years ago until the water pump failed. the owner then in his mid eighties was thinking of re-tiring if any one here secures this vehicle i do not mind letting the the person know of this one (not guaranteed it still there)



  2. browse or buy ...........The jeep buyers bible BY Mark Askew usually about £20.00 ISBN 0-9534470-5-7

    Attend a few shows, see some of the dealers, browse some adds, join a club.,get to know your subject it may save tears later.

    A little research goes a long way :-)



  3. Well i am not the person to cast dispertions on any one, ......

    some said it was hot,

    some say it was very hot,

    some say it was too bloody hot !

    here is a picture of the sky after i spoke to jack can you guess what happened next ?????









    thats all from me folks till next time



  4. Hi all,

    my visit was the best ever :-D my gratitude to Berni, Rowan, and their friends for their friendliness Sorry to hear Russ is worse, even my ankles/ legs really swelled up after driving home on sunday a. m. Hi to enigma whom i met approx three years ago more or less in the same spot but only just connected the face to the name. I did wander up to the Irish camp but it seemed deserted, and i know i missed many others but theres always next year :lol:

    Also chatted with karoshi, Cara, Mick, and some of their friends, met jack and family (what did you think as a first time visitor ?? )

    For some reason did not seem to take many pictures but will post some more soon.

    not forgetting john of course


  5. Hi Paul,

    i willcheck to morrow, but i believe you must have movement and i believe a gap of 3mm is acceptable between the the edge of the eye and the jaw of the towing hook.

    you need a publication called `SSMT a guide line to towing` which i can check up at work tomorrow. If not ring your local supplier or "indespension " stockist i am sure they Will be glad to help.



  6. Hi Jack,

    depending on weather a leak or leaks are present, but a simple solution would be of wooden construction as mentioned with sand or purchase absorbant granules depending on amount of leakage ??



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