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Posts posted by ashley

  1. Cant remember the last time we had sunshine like that :-D when did you take that pic, truck does look nice in the sun though....


    All the best R3




    Knowing Lawson he has probally just finished cleaning it, i can see a puddle of WD40 behind the rear wheels....still a nice truck :tup:



  2. My Self......... started life in a BMH ( British Military Hospital) and spent my life with green surroundings (dad left the R.E`s in 1974) became very interested in the First World War,built many a plastic kit (military of course) even went to Sutton Coalfield on leaving school to gain entry to the Army.. changed mind and joined a travelling fun fair :whistle: happy days


    Always had an intrest in 20 century German history and collected a fair amount of German militaria, along the way in 2001 brought the jeep which i had known of for over twenty years never regretted it, had great times met some fantastic people (+ the odd T****r)

    looking forward to the circit in 2008 and beooooooynd :tup: :tup:



  3. Hi,

    I am surethat the second picture show the same type of vehicle in use, just the front wheels covered by debris etc.


    This appears to be a very late picture showing the grey uniform being worn rather than the black Panzer uniform.


    Also shown is the very rare grey Panzer crash beret being worn i have only seen one in real life :schocked: and most collectors would mortgage their house for one.

    Just a pity i had to sell my black one at Beltring last year :cry: :cry:



  4. Its going to be a helluva Cola bingedrinking party.... :coffee2: :nut: :beer: :banana: :died:



    Watch that stuff mate people have known to O.D. on it :nut: :nut: 8-)



    All the Best to all members for 2008..... named,

    pseudonyms ,



    and also the spiders ?





  5. maybe some of you would like to come over for a one day drive out to Imber in the new year. Like I say, when I get some dates I will post.





    Hi Tony,

    certainly sound like a good possibility :tup: keep us in touch with a possible date.















  6. That guy cannot be called cheap! $3500 for a German paratrooper smock..



    The price cannot gaurentee authenticity, a good friend of mine and also a collector of Fallschirmjager smocks helmets insignia etc once paid nearly £10,000 for a smock and had to wait several years and beat off stiff competition to to seal the deal on the item :schocked: :schocked:



  7. Looks sort of Italian to me ? :shake: is the prime mover a Lantil tractor (if such things exist).


    The gun it appears to have been mounted on a stretched car chassis or a truck chassis.


    (It even looks as though it is going backwards :-D)

  8. Fantastic thread :tup: :tup:,

    i belive that i heard once, that when the Ford motor company began making Jeeps etc it was on the proviso that once they left the country they would not be returned (and flood the forseen post war market boom with second hand ) when in reality they could buy new.


    The price at which old H.Ford could produce new was in reality cheaper than shipping back the surplus from Europe.


    This is why thousands of thousands of vehicleswere pratically given to the European countries ravaged by the war, but as far as i know none of these were given to Britian :dunno:




    In modern conflicts a majority of vehicles equiptment is left for the new `policing forces` of the country

  9. "T" as trailer? or is only the figure?







    Hi Radek,

    the function of the `T` is to reflect light. if you go out tonight and shin a light on the T it should shine back (reflect) red in colour.

    Hopefully this helps explain ?



  10. @Ashley I hope you don´t me this with our ranks :-D

    width=500 height=408http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff35/abndeuce/444987343_878eda2af7.jpg[/img]



    Good lord NO, i mean within the HMVF ranks ;-) but there again i see in the picture that the Kett. is towing the purpose built trailer for the vehicle. The last full size of these i tried to purchase was on a lawn enroute to the Schloss Charlottenburg in Berlin it was being used as a very large flower pot and was well chained down :roll:


  11. The story as i remember.......

    was that a section of a French trench was readyin position to `go over the top` when they were caught by a creeping barage which buried them leaving only the end of the rifles and fixed bayonetts exposed.


    This is how theywere found post war and deemed a monument, but i cant remember when the shelter was built over them to try and protect them from git`s and the elements.



  12. Chris,

    Looks very nice, your M20.

    No, WD bikes had no stop lamp fitted, from 1941 they used a Lucas MT3/WD/MCT1 rear lamp. Cornucopia had loads once (postwar, with a number plate illumination window, but what the hell), Stef



    You may still find these on E-bay i am sure it sounds similar to a boxed one i brought last year....mind you the box is still sealed :shake:



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