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Everything posted by oddball

  1. Ok, split the difference & go for BD-72 then
  2. BD-71 you sure? Wouldn't TC-12 be better? Looks more impressive anyway 8)
  3. He could use Megaphone M-64 from the top of a pole though
  4. And don't forget he really must have Reel Unit RL-31 on the backof the truck
  5. Good for getting splinters out of course
  6. Tool equipment pouch TE-5 is always handy of course
  7. Well that goes without saying, got to start with the basic stuff. So that will be Belt LC-23, Climbers LC-5 & gloves LC-10
  8. You should really have an LC-57 canvas bucket as well, very important
  9. I was gonna say that, but I couldn't be bothered to write it all out.
  10. Don't think so Matt, you got "G.I.Collectors Guide"? You seen all the stuff in there Jack's gonna need.
  11. You're gonna need a telegraph pole as well Jack!
  12. oddball


    ...........rusty, in pieces
  13. And here are the actual can holders from the kit
  14. You still had fluid left in the line, I'd be more worried about where the fluid is leaking.
  15. Think you'll find gun batteries were in use long before electrical batteries.
  16. That's very generous of you Jack, if you could come up with enough for a WC52 it would be very much appreciated.
  17. You going to post your articles up on here then Jack? So us poor people can read them :cry:
  18. I could end up being even more confused than I already am :?
  19. oddball


    This should tell you all you need to know, or maybe confuse you even more :shock: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horsepower
  20. Well, you know, I like to be of help where I can.
  21. Just a quick time saving tip Jack. If you mask off a 6" diameter circle BEFORE you paint the truck green then it will save you having to paint a red ball on it later, plus you'll save a bit of green paint as well. :wink:
  22. Great, I'll look forward to that then
  23. Think you ought to buy us all a copy Jack :wink:
  24. Good point, well made Polecat. I second that motion.
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