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Everything posted by N.O.S.

  1. CW "Ere PW, I've found a bit of that yellow metal, I'll whip it out and get a bob or two from the scrappy up the road" PW "Leave it you silly old bu$$er, you don't know what you're doing, ask an engineer" CW "Nah, it'll be all right, it doesn't do anything important"........."Oh bu$$er......" At this point the sensible PW whaps CW over the head with the deck broom so hard that the handle breaks. CW grabs the broken handle and gets up to chase PW round the poop deck, but is so shakey that he falls back over and the bit of handle gets wedged into the hole recently vacated by the large plug. Lucky old so-and-so or what?
  2. I should have seen that coming :rofl::rofl: Not one for the purists though :cool2: I still think it looks better!
  3. Strewth - bodge of the week award there!!
  4. Hang on a mo, chaps - notice that the 6x6 option shows a body much higher on the chassis, hence no need for cut-out on body sides and cut-away floor sections. So not possible me-thinks.....
  5. Yes 6x6, they do look good. Much better in fact!
  6. Loved the bit about hiding from the hubby!!!!!!!
  7. Hey Tony, if you ever get the cramps, just lie down in it
  8. Look, you can see where the puncture is by where the bubbles are coming from.....
  9. Nick, how about this part of it as a caption competition? :cool2:
  10. That'll take some wrapping up! Nice one, a nice looking project!
  11. HaHa, a long time ago (late '60s I think) Blue Circle introduced 1/2 cwt bags to make life easier, they were so unpopular with site workers they had to be withdrawn :-D And this was in the days before forklifts!
  12. OK guys, DT969A and Autocar U7144T use same front axle, Timken F-2090-W-73. WLF front axle is Timken F-3200-W, a heavier unit. Rear axles are all different. With regard to brakes however, both DT, Autocar and WLF appear to use the same rear brake diaphragm chamber, a Westinghouse Bendix Type B having dia. 9 3/16". The DT and Autocar both use Type E front diaphragm chamber, dia. 6". Norman, the WLF uses a conventional piston/cylinder type front actuater, dia. 4 1/2" - not a diapragm type. So you may need to source N.O.S. kits for these, unless we can trace a current part number from the USA? Conclusion? John's rear diaphragm Bendix part number should be good for all three trucks, and the front should be OK for the Autocar. :tup::
  13. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: My battery man solved a garage proprietor's strange battery dilema - whenever he left a battery outside the workshop on the ground it went duff and woulkdn't hold asny charge. Battery man called round one day and caught proprietor's dog p!$$ing over a battery - problem solved (strong alkaline killed the acid - even just a small amount getting into vented caps) :cool2:
  14. Oh good, it will finally run out in October 2017 instead of August 2017.....wondefrful news!
  15. I can't remember if I've posted this story up before, but - I had an exploration drilling job to do (8" continuous flight auger). The arhaeologists gave clearance but advised it was a WW1 airfield and that munitions incl. Mills bombs were known to be dumped and it was also bombed by Zeppellin, often these bombs did not explode. So client telephones police and asks for Bomb Disposal to see if they can clear the location of each borehole by sniffer device or whatever. Police say they will relay info as we cannot talk direct to BD. An hour later client gets phone call from concerned farmer who has been informed by Police that a UXB has been discovered by the drilling contractor on his land. Client speaks to Police again to put them right, who later come back with these instructions - "If you hit a bomb phone us and we'll send out Bomb Disposal". Bit late don't you think??? We just got on with the job, but it was in the back of our minds all the while..... And the thing is, we still don't know what if any service the Bomb Disposal team can offer in terms if locating buried munitions, since we are unable to talk direct to them or get an accurate message to them :confused:
  16. John, if you could furnish a bendix number for fronts/rears I would be grateful. Tony
  17. CW, you could retrain as a H&S inspector maybe? Reckon you'd be good at it! :n00b:
  18. Jack, I really don't think the battery is your problem. The battery you have should be fine if it is not sulphated up. This 6V battery I use on the jimmy and jeep is 50Ah, 815CCA. It is half the size of a typical jimmy battery. Norman, unless your starter motor is the limiting factor this 12V battery, 56Ah, 830CCA will spin your Cummins over quicker than that big slab of lead and plastic you just bought :cool2: It is the same size as most car batteries. They are even more impressive when used as a pair on a 24V starter system. There are course other reasons for using batteries with a bigger Ah rating, and where these batteries may not be appropriate. You can take the p!$$ out of me, but you can't take the p!$$ out of these babies. Don't worry, I won't ever mention them again :-D p.s. the black battery in pics is an old jimmy one.
  19. Commercial Body Fittings - www.cbf.uk.com Look under steel sections. Also the diagonal treadplate strip as on Scammell front wings etc. Cannot recommend these folk highly enough, quick delivery and good prices. All manner of old style fittings still available.
  20. P.S./ Have they have got AAA or AA on them?
  21. Can you start again and tell us exactly what battery you have put on please?
  22. Spare a thought for the poor bloke driving the excavator - change of overalls required.....
  23. There's one of these ferry propulsion units on Milweb (spares and accessories), with new/recon B80 engine - Royal Engineers museum, Rochester.
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