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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. :rofl::rofl::rofl::shake::shake::shocked:
  2. Rhubarb leaves when boiled can produce Hydro Cyanic acid, very nasty stuff.
  3. The maplin ones also come with handy crocodile clip attachmet! :-D
  4. If you are using natural lemon juice, how do you strengthen the mixture?
  5. Does it use one or two rubber bands? :???
  6. Good technique! Dog don't seemed that impresed though.:-D
  7. Tbey are curently doing a special offer on the 13 watt solar Power Station, that comes in a 3v, 6v, 12 v version and 24 volt version. http://www.maplin.co.uk/Search.aspx?criteria=solar power staions&source=15
  8. The only other use I can think of is for opening billets on harness, or going behind the buckles. Hang on!! Does it have any use with top boots?
  9. Ah mine was the WC51 parked up alongside. You may remember the air going blue when some muppet jumped on his canvas bed and........:argh:
  10. I've followed the Tex advice, I'm leaving the battery on my Ring dual voltage charger for twenty four hours and see wht happens.
  11. The later Range Rover boxs use ATF, Yours might do the same.
  12. Hey mate!! Did Isee your compresor truck at Portsmouth earlier in the year? On way to Normandy?
  13. Welcome, nice to see the Irish side expanding.
  14. Thanlks mate. That Ctex one looks intresting. Others on here must run six volters.:iloveyou: Also very useful info, the flashing and cliking, according to site the battrey is in a desulphating stage. so it has answerd that question!
  15. Wish I'd known :argh: Took a month to track down a six volt charger!
  16. DC3 was the first aircraft I can remember flying on. They stuck me in the cockpit to keep me out of the way. Oh happy days.
  17. I know we've been through this before, but,! I have a six volt battery that had been left on vehicle for about eighteen months. I got it home and it charged up to full voltage. Now the charger is charging for a few seconds then cutting off, then cutting back in. It is a three cell battery and currently will hold about 5.2 volts. Any suggestion how I can discharge the thing and try again? Twelve volt wouldn't be a problem, but can the stuff be used on six volt? There are now decent six volt solar chargers available at resonable prices. I use twelve volt ones on mine and they have kept the batteries trickled up nicley.
  18. Bet the driver needed a change of underpants! :shake:
  19. Who says new kit is automatically beter? The designers of the old birds got it right.
  20. If something is really sized, I soack a rag in th stuff then wrap round object and cover with a plastic bag and leave alone for a while. Nuts etc paint on and use cling film.
  21. Yes but WD40 will keep slugs off your flowerpots! :-D
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