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Everything posted by whistlinwolf

  1. Yes thats true what Bernie says Noel, never say never, I always said one will do and now we are up to 3. As Degsy said, give Jon Kerr a call and find out when their next meeting is, you will be welcomed I am sure as they are a good bunch of folk. Next Sunday there is a meet at the Sunderland Aircraft Museum that they are attending. Cheers Tim
  2. Just splashed out on a new toy for Julie http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a270/whistlinwolf/ambulance.jpg[/img] Her toys bigger than mine now! :?
  3. Got a brand new set of tracks for one of these if anyone needs any :-)
  4. Looks like a good time, that museum at Diekirch is a fantastic place.
  5. You've got it wrong there Andrea, its a NAAFI truck, the sink and cooker are at that side!! :-D
  6. Guy called Jim Smith near us has an Abbott on a FAC. 8-)
  7. Theres sense in that Degsy and sense in what I put down as well , don't you just love it when Jacks in a spin!! :-D :-D
  8. I agree with you there Loyd, we have all made mistakes :-o XT600 just don't feel afraid to ask us even if it seems like a daft question, we like a laugh as much as the next man (or woman, sorry Berni). :-D I think the key is to have a look at as many as possible and ask as many questions of us as you can, hopefully we can help you avoid some of the possible pitfalls we have had.
  9. Hi Jack, I was all set to swap the jeep to 12v but was stopped by Tony Sudds advice. His words of wisdom were, if it needed to be 12v uncle sam would have built em 12v. Its often other areas that need looking at , battery leads need to be heavier for 6v to prevent volt drop, connections/earths need to be good, compressions need to be OK. I looked at my valves and redid them, hey presto better starting and still 6v. There is no saying its your valves Jack but there are other areas to check before jumping to 12v. I'm not a rivet spotter so I have no problem with swapping to 12 volt for practicality but seems a shame to change it for no reason.
  10. but how do the guns stay in it now, are they not a little unsafe ??? :-D
  11. It certainly looked cool :-D It was bizarre standing next to it with sweat running down my face . Mighty fine effort 10/10
  12. Having used a thompson I can assure you it would spread it all over!!! :-D
  13. Sorry dougy just seen the posting, engines are a rare thing, thats why its sold . Both firms are on the net , just search for Bogbusters in Newcastle and NTB(Northern Trail Bikes) Racing in York. Looking at the picture it will have to be cheap to make it a worthwhile project I reckon. Good luck Tim
  14. "Thank You" alway seems work I reckon Jack.
  15. I couldn't understand how we beat you up there either mate as we set off after you.Hope you and Simon got back OK, see you thursday.
  16. Good to chat to you at the weekend Jack. My mate wants to know why the picture outside Chilton Foliat Hall looks like its mine and Julies wedding photo Road run was great fun, apart from the lunch stop, that must have been Wiltshires bleakest spot, good thing we had our cook house with us in the Ambulance. More green lanes needed in future. You de gunged the Jimmy yet? Its the first time in my life I have camped in a tip and hopefully the last. Why were we in that crappy field when the other one actually had grass in it as well as soil Cheers
  17. The 4 main guys can be set forwards from the pole pointing outwards from the tent or when they are crossed as above it is referred to as "storm set" for bad weather.
  18. Big thanks to all of you who turned out in our miserable weather, it didn't seem to dampen the enthusiasm too much. Great to meet you Degsy, I must admit when they radioed me to come down I thought you were another irate trader that we had to humour ,until you said who you were. Thanks for making the trip Tim & James and Steven,Lynne and all the rest whos names I can't recount it made the sleepless nights and divorce petition all worth while Watch this space for next years date!!
  19. Don't forget to take them out and clean well afterwards as they rust very easily Jack
  20. Just back from Elvington on the first day and its buzzing, the place is getting pretty crowded and there is only half the exhibits there as yet. Tomorrow should be fun!! Good to see Degsy there and the north wales boys. Tim
  21. Brian is on his knees............ Oh no he isn't, he's stood up!!!!!
  22. If you are the HMVF member who left me the message today Re Elvington and passes, can you ring me back as the number you left on my answerphone was my own number, not yours!! Hey Steve, how do you fancy puttin your B17 along side the Halifax? I have allocated you a place there inside the hangar. See you there PS over 200 vehicles now and a whole heap of re enactors and heaps of trade stands as well
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