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Everything posted by timbo

  1. Lewis make sure you say hello if you do mine is the green and brown Spartan, Nigel will hopefully also be bringing his so we'll have a couple trundling around. If I'm not there I will probably be found grubbing about under the Saladin, or if I have given up I'll be in the beer tent..! Tim
  2. B***er!!! At Dunchurch show this wend but will have to check next week. The perils of following what a PO has done! Will also need to update my thread...!
  3. The Saladin moves just fine, it is stopping it that is the problem! I will be arriving early Friday to change the seals/cylinders and fill and bleed the system - fingers crossed! See you Sat.. Tim
  4. Rich It will be great ... You should pop down - I will be there all weekend and Matt is threatening to bring the 101 down as well..once he has saved enough petrol money for the journey...! And the guy who runs the beer tent does a great selection of beers... Cheers Tim
  5. Just had a look, and can't see anything obvious, but then it is hidden behind my Series 1/ Storage skip so not that easy to see!! The parts list is not much use either, maybe somebody will be along shortly with a definitive answer! Cheers Tim
  6. Lewis I've just rechecked my EMERS which tells me what each pipe is. If we stick with the 1,2,3,4 as in my drawing the flow is as follows: 1=engine oil inlet 2=engine oil outlet If you look where these pipes go into the oil pump and oil filter respectively I think there are arrows embossed to remind you of the flow. As for the transmission: 3=transmission oil inlet 4=transmission oil outlet Annoyingly though it doesn't state which pipe subsequently goes where, BUT I'm now starting to think does it actually matter, for the transmission oil at least? Looking at the diagram of the exchanger there doesn't appear to be any reason why the thing wont work perfectly well in reverse.. I do have a spare gearbox in the garage so can see if that has arrows on it indicating the direction of flow... Cheers Tim
  7. Next weekend Rich - Sat, Sun and Mon... http://www.tankstrucksandfirepower.com/
  8. Cant believe it is nearly time for this show again already. Hoping to be driving both Spartan and Saladin (for the first time!). The chally 1 should be out on the field, and there is an M2 bridge thingy and a MAN wrecker coming from the real army... If you haven't been then check it out, the firepower display is truly fantastic! See you in the beer tent..
  9. Paul If you haven't already picked it up I put the fan bearing references on my engine change blog. The pulley should come off without too much pain but I needed a BIG hydraulic puller to get the impeller off... It is great when you've done it though..! Tim
  10. If you were to bid, lets say £4k and win one of these I think they would be cheap as chips. Most of them look to be very good internally, they have had bits removed and then sat around for a few years, but lets face it these have not been shot up on a range for the last 5 decades! The trick is simply getting hold of all the bits, but you could be running and driving pretty quickly, and lets face it the bits will turn up sooner or later. I have paid A LOT more for a much worse condition, albeit complete Belgian Scimitar...which is now patiently waiting its turn..
  11. Wise words. Is the SA80 for the CVRT different to the normal version? I have heard talk of a shortened carbine version. If so is this available as an airsoft one, or will a normal sa80 fit? Cheers Timbo
  12. Only way to know if it is a defence will be to test it in court...but short answer is be sensible and you (shouldn't) have a problem, but I hasten to add, that is not the same as saying you won't have one!!!
  13. I presume you needed a view in order to see the Russians coming...
  14. Great site!!!! Have been off down all kinds of rabbit holes!
  15. Bill Are there many privately owned cvrt's in Belgium? Tim
  16. Yes but the gpz had little spindly tyres and tiny 2 pot brakes and a bendy frame...lethal but oh what fun..!!!
  17. The correct answer is they should be replaced, however I have heard tell of people getting the worst off with brake cleaner, then putting them in the dishwasher on a hot wash. Do this while the missus is out though!
  18. Got my new pistons from Richard Banister too...
  19. Completely agree with this I have used one of these to bring Hawkers back to life that had sat untouched for 5 years plus. They now hold their charge beautifully...took a few days to do mind you!
  20. Very nice pic, also near Huddersfield! Reminds me of the Saddleworth wartime weekend when we all followed the Scammell Pioneer tank transporter on the road run, only to find out he was going home!
  21. Bob Now you have the tent you need a tank to go with it! Cheers Tim
  22. He certainly supplied me with the gold ones so I would imagine he could still do this...
  23. Agree that brakes seem to be a particular weak point, and also running gear - tracks, wheels, tyres etc everything except the engine in fact....!!!!
  24. A fantastic effort well done to Barry and the guys. I have to admit I was a little dubious they would get it done from a standing start... Also shows the benefit of having a quality engine supplier!
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