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Posts posted by Ron

  1. Well since learning yesterday that the correct ammeter for the panel tank G3 is a Lucas model BM and Steve gave me the heads up on this NOS example, I couldn't resist it. I don't know why it's painted black? Maybe it was how they were finished for other models? I'll be anxious to see what's under the paint on the rim when it arrives.  Ron 


    s-l1600 (1).jpg

  2. Taff's website is still up and running, although Taff is in poor health after having suffered a stroke, and will no longer be able to operate his business/hobby again.

     I'm in contact with the guy in his village who is helping him out by selling some of his stock. He sent me 10 unrestored horns to move on. Taff has indicated that he want's the website left running, for the information he has collated.

    The Lucas Altette models are quite vast and complicated over their many years of changes. Here is a genuine war-time "HF1235" 

    Martin are you intending to put the bike back into military trim? Have you contacted jan with the frame/engine numbers for his register?    Ron



  3. Martin you need parts 13 and 16 from Hitchcocks the nuts are 14 if you need them.


    Chaining your bike to a post or even through the back wheel so it can't be rolled away is a good idea. But there are so many valuable parts that can easily be removed, that I get nervous when out of site, or as a group, we always leave someone on guard. Imagine losing your original pannier bags or speedo head which can be removed in minutes. My mate Ian came back to his bike after a loan supermarket shop in France to find that someone had pulled his canvas grips off, leaving only the inboard brass rings. So both Ian and the thief had nothing useful. Ron

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