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Everything posted by Markheliops

  1. Best fit my CB radio in the Ward la France then. :whistle: Markheliops
  2. happy birthday Kyle. :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: Move ya butt with the Munga will ya. :-D Markheliops
  3. Haven't got my copy yet but I believe my ugly mug is in there somewhere. Markheliops
  4. I like the logo as it is. :tongue: Markheliops
  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAUL :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: Markheliops
  6. Some very, very nice kit Mike. Love the pics of the trailer and Cent ARV - still get a buzz when I see a Cent ARV. :-D In relation to towing something of that length - It's a case of watching what everyone else is doing on the road. I used to recover artics on suspended tow and you would not believe how stupid and oblivious to danger some other road users can be. Respect Mike - I was always told when towing something that long- YOU NEED EYES LIKE A GREYHOUNDS DANGLIES. Markheliops
  7. Have fun in the sun Mike and don't you worry about Vince. I've offered him doughnuts and a half for overtime payments and I won't be calling him names. :-D Must admit Mike and Vince have the right idea in that if the rear bogie has to come off, may as well pull everything else off and check everything. We know what happens if something breaks on the WLF. :schocked: Looking forward to stripping mine and work will commence soon. Markheliops
  8. Hi all. Any of you brain boxes come up with any info on mil reg 78 FM 87. Ta Markheliops
  9. Square is cool. Markheliops
  10. Hi all. Thanks for the previous advice and pee-taking tootallmike!!! :tongue: The military reg showing on the data plate is- 78 FM 87. I think the above is correct but the M is half worn away. Could be something else but probably is an M. Shows the NSN as 1720 - 0778. I topped up the steering relay today and the steering is a bit better. Will have a look at the swivel pin housings later. Anyone with info on the military reg please. :-D Markheliops
  11. Thanks Ian. - not 100% sure the data plate is genuine but we shall see. Will post it tonight. Markheliops
  12. More info as picked up the Landy today. I have found a military data plate on drivers seat base. It declares the vehicle as a Series lll FFR. It does show a military reg and a chassis number and I will post these later with some pics. It does have military FFR fittings and the large FFR generator. The fuel tanks are 2 - both under the front seats but as previously thought, the old owner has put a filling pipe in the NS body. The right hand tank can be filled under the seat by using the rather crudely cut square in the seat base. There is a switch over tap on the bulkhead. Well, I'm happy that it would seem the vehicle is ex-military but not that bothered. I'm going to give it a paint with drab for no other reason than I can park it on site at W+P next year. Runs okay but the steering is somewhat heavy. Going to look at it tomorrow as I think either the box has been over adjusted or it's very low on lube. Other than that it needs lots of cosmetic work - cause it looks poo and the bulkhead needs attention. If further enquiries give a pre-73 date, I shall endeavor to get an age related plate but I am a bit suspect that its as old as pre 73. At a pure guess, I would think about 1984- 1986 for a series lll FFR. Back with pictures and other stuff soon. Markheliops
  13. GET ON WITH IT YA LAZY T--T!!!! :argh: Hope that helps Mark. :-D Markheliops
  14. Oh Brother - opened a can of worms again. :whistle: Surely I can find out date of manufacture from the chassis number. If a vehicle club says it was manufacture date is 1971, then I can approach DVLA for an age related plate. To be honest, I'm not bothered either way but it would be nice to have free road tax. I know you can't get free tax with a Q plate. Some insurance companies do turn there noses up at Q plates as they automatically think it's been written off or put together with sticky back plastic. I think mine has been put together with sticky back plastic. Maybe find a Blue Peter Badge somewhere. Back to the fuel tanks - mine has a single filling point, O/S just past the door but TWO fuel tanks. From what has been descibed prior in this thread, is that a cross between the two types fitted. I think I shall have a lot of fun trying to determine what I actually have landed myself with. Maybe it's a little of everything. I may put pictures up after the weekend - but no laughing. :argh: IT'S ALL I COULD AFFORD. Markheliops :-D
  15. Happy Birthday Pete. :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: Markheliops
  16. I thought so too Mark. - Not 100% sure. I suppose the previous owner could have moved it due to the fitting of Range Rover seats. Won't be to upset if it turns out to be a civvy version - as long as it does what I need it too. Markheliops
  17. Hi Vince. See you're out late as the boss is away. Doesn't matter if I break it for two reasons- A) Hasn't cost me much. B) I know someone who can fix it when it does go bang. Seriously, the engine and running gear is good. Had it on a ramp today and under the thing is quite solid. Bulkhead lets it down though. Keep ya mobile on mate. Markheliops
  18. Thanks for the info Lee. Will see if I can dig up any more identifying marks. Only thing I did see whilst checking underneath was OEP 220 on the T/box. Didn't look like military stenciling though. Markheliops
  19. Not really sure at this time Mark- Haven't had a proper look as yet - picking it up Friday so will crawl over it then. Needs a bit of work and the previous owner has done some odd mods to it. It is a Hard Top LWB. Previous owner has put Range Rover front seats in it, boxed out the rear with wood, and other weird mods. I haven't purchased the Landy specially for a military vehicle. I just wanted something to carry my tools and bits of 432 and WLF. If it's NATO - it's a bonus. Will post some pics Saturday. Markheliops
  20. Hi all. Needed a cheap runabout so have purchased a Series III. :-D My question is this. The vehicle is registered as a Q plate although the age of approx manufacture is 1971. How easy is it to argue with DVLA about a correctly age related number plate? The story from the seller is as the vehicle had been abroad for a period of time, manufacture date is hard to find. I can't see that as I have the chassis number - 91105483B - and the MOT certificate gives year of manufacture as 1971. Is it easy to correctly find the date of manufacture and confirm this by whatever method. The Landy is apparently ex-NATO but how exactly can I establish this. As yet, can't find a military data plate. Many thanks. Markheliops
  21. On a serious note chaps - If someone is selling a decent military vehicle they would advertise on Milweb. My rule is if it's not on Milweb or CMV - I won't touch it with a barge pole. Probably suspect or a pile of junk. Markheliops
  22. Hi Snapper. I had a Champ once - but didn't know any better so when the rear diff went - I got rid of it. Wish I hadn't though. Was loads of fun. :-D On the other side of the coin - A friend of mine happens to be selling an M38. If you're interested, I'll get you the details. Markheliops
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