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Everything posted by Markheliops

  1. Cheers for the suggestions guys. I have tried all of these but I will give it another go. I read in the owners manual about shifting from high to low gear via the red lever to return to two wheel drive. I have also had the panels and covers off to inspect the 2 / 4 wheel selector in case it was stuck but it's as free as a bird. I'll give the above another go and come back to you with my findings. Ta Markheliops
  2. I'll try not too Mike. I did however feed him - egg and chips - well the girlie's in the cafe fed him. Vince's suggestion is to swap both diff carriers over to my bogie assembly so I will try that before turning to the gearbox and transfer box. I'm praying that attention to the bogie assembly will get rid of the grinding noise - otherwise it's all change for the g/box and t/box. Markheliops
  3. Hi Tony. It's not the high / low (red lever) that's the problem. It was stuck in four wheel drive - (the yellow push lever). Tried jacking all the wheels off the ground in case of wind up but it didn't cure the fault so removed the front propshaft. Any ideas peeps? The little pin that moves up and down that's connected to the four wheel drive lever is not seized. It moves freely enough. Markheliops
  4. Hi all. It's colder, the daylight seems to disappear a bit too quickly - and I can be heard swearing under the WLF. Yes - it's that time of year where I have started on the WLF repairs after my Bolero experience. For those of you who don't keep up with things - :whistle: - I purchased the WLF from Nick Hobbs as a donor vehicle. I started by removing the bogie assembly from the donor vehicle. Easier said than done. Manual says - undo this and release that, and then just roll the complete assembly from under the body. OH YEAH. :angry: Three days later, cracked knuckles and having to resort to the gas spanner - I finally TOWED the spare bogie assembly from the donor vehicle. Sorry about the pics - quality not too good. http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u233/Markheliops/00000009-2.jpg[/img] http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u233/Markheliops/00000012.jpg[/img] http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u233/Markheliops/00000013-1.jpg[/img] I have the advantage over Tootallmike in that I could use my WLF to assist in the removal of the donor vehicle bogie assembly. Must give huge thanks to Grasshopper who popped over yesterday to give me a hand. Trouble with trucks this size is everything weighs a ton and is over large. Sometimes - you just need another pair of hands and someone to convince you you're not wasting your time. Had occurred to me to wimp out and send the WLF away for a professional repair. Have started to remove the bogie assembly from my own WLF now. Trouble is I have no crane to assist me and can't afford to damage anything. Still, cracked on again today and the good news Vince is I have managed to remove the remaining bogie tube bolts without resorting to the gas spanner. I did however remove all the brake assemblies to give me more room to insert tools. I would recommend doing it this way. Just that extra bit of room was enough to make life easier. It would appear from closer inspection of the donor vehicle's bogie assembly that it is original and has not been overhauled by the French, like most of the WLF released from the military. http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u233/Markheliops/00000027.jpg[/img] I now have the donor vehicle on blocks- http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u233/Markheliops/00000023.jpg[/img] My Ward behind it with the bogie assembly waiting to be WHEELED out- http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u233/Markheliops/00000040.jpg[/img] And the donor assembly behind that. Must admit - Wondered how an 8 wheel Ward La France would grap people's attention. Could easily be done. No. no - what an I thinking. Tootallmike would never forgive me. :naughty: I am back at work for four days now and then will return on Wednesday to remove my WLF bogie assembly - God willing. Updates as and when to follow. :-D Markheliops
  5. Hi all. I have been busy with the Ward La France - bogie assembly - As I had my camera with me I thought I would take a few pics of the Series III as previously promised. http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u233/Markheliops/00000032-1.jpg[/img] http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u233/Markheliops/00000039-1.jpg[/img] http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u233/Markheliops/00000033-1.jpg[/img] The Landy has certainly been - got at - but the previous owner hasn't made a bad job of it really. The front is fitted out with Range Rover seats and to be honest I will keep them as they are more comfortable than the original seats. A cubby box has also been fitted between the seats. Everything has been insulated although it's still noisy but very warm and cosy. http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u233/Markheliops/00000031-2.jpg[/img] The military plate is attached to the drivers seat base and shows the mil reg, etc. http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u233/Markheliops/00000029-1.jpg[/img] The rear has been fitted out as you can see so I consider it pretty useful to all my tools etc. Again quite a good job and the panels are all insulated. http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u233/Markheliops/00000037-1.jpg[/img] http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u233/Markheliops/00000036.jpg[/img] There are some other mods such as the handbrake has been converted to a disc brake and various non military bits fitted. Only problem found so far is the heavy steering was due to the thing being stuck in four wheel drive. I've had the covers off but the pin is free so can't see what the problem is so I have removed the front prop as a temp measure. Will investigate when I have more time. All in all, I've covered over 500 miles since purchase and everything else seems OK. Has the usual Series III trade marks being noisy, steering wonders and you have to be gentle with the gearbox at high revs. Haven't decided whether to keep it yet or sell it once I have finished repairing the WLF. Markheliops
  6. Look on Withams latest tender. They have some for sale. About £500 should secure one. Maybe bid lower as they aren't in great demand. Markheliops
  7. Can't remember the name of the film, but Donald Sutherland played a German spy trying to escape England in the Second World War. He tries to escape by boat but gets caught in a storm and ends up washed ashore on some far flung place in the UK. Funnily enough - the locals form a transport is a modified DKW Munga - which I thought started production in the early 50's. Nice to see a Munga on the TV though. Markheliops
  8. Hi Neil. Hope you are fully repaired by time the OT arrives. You need to be fully flexible just to get in it. If you're not - I'll repay the favour I owe you for towing me at Beltring, by lifting you with the WLF. :-D Markheliops
  9. I would like to think there will be a UKWLF team in there somewhere. :whistle: Markheliops
  10. First battle scenes in Saving Private Ryan - rest of the film not bad either. Band of Brothers - Battle of the Bulge, Bridge Too Far, Kelly's Hero's, Thin Red Line. List goes on and on and on. Just to be safe - I've most of the films mentioned and many more. Markheliops
  11. Tootallmikes wallet. :whistle:
  12. I thank you Neil. :clap: If you are still looking for a low loader price Neil - I know someone who runs a recovery company and has a 30T low loader. PM me if you want the number. Markheliops
  13. Actually my tall friend - Hans my mate and co-owner of the 432 will be attending the Plains trip - all the way from Germany. As he does not have an H licence, it is an excellent opportunity for him to drive the 432 over some excellent ground. I shall be giving a display of "How to drive a Ward La France correctly" - without banging your knees and crunching the gearbox.!!! :pfrt: Markheliops
  14. Hi all. First thread for the 2008 Plains trip. :banana: I have ordered the low loader for the FV432 and the Ward La France M1A1. Thought I would get in there early and suggest other owners do the same as low loaders may be in short supply and large demand for this weekend. I've gone with Wayne Meadows. He is collecting me on Friday 2nd May and returning me on Monday 5th back to the Hop Farm. Looking forward to this event already. :-D Can someone give me a final address for delivery and collection so I can pass this information on to Wayne. Thankie Markheliops
  15. I'm going to have a stab in the dark here and other members feel free to agree or disagree. I am assuming that when items became known as NATO, pretty much everything was standardised. As Holland were a NATO contingent, it is not unreasonable to suggest the cam nets they would be using would be the same as UK forces. I know other countries used various paint schemes etc but I don't think you would be wrong using a standard NATO cam net as per the UK forces. I do stand to be corrected - and probably will. :-D Markheliops
  16. Hi all. I have to order some bulk oil for my vehicles and I am wondering what other owners are using in their prides and joys. The Ward La France M1A1 states in the manual: Engine Oil above +32 F = SAE30 +32 to 0 F = SAE10 Gear Oil above +32F = SAE90 +32 to 0 F = SAE 80 The FV432 is pretty clear and I will be using a classic SAE30 monograde oil in the engine and gearbox. Why? Because it is the exact spec for OMD80 oil and that is the oil the Army have been using with no problems for years. The Series 3 Land Rover is causing me some confusion. Can I get away with using SAE30 (OMD80) as per the 432 or should I be using a 20W 50 oil in the engine. Same question with the gearbox. Should I use an 80 / 90 W gear oil (EOP220). :dunno: My real concern is with the older WWII vehicles. I know modern oils can play havoc with the bronze bits and eat away the older type cork gaskets, etc. Can other owners please give me their thoughts and some advice on the above. :tup: Thankie in advance. Markheliops
  17. HI Tony I will be bringing the Ward La France M1A1 and the FV432. Not sure if the Low loader will stay or come back to pick me up. Will have a 9x9, and three small civi tents. Arrive Friday mid day-ish and leave either Monday of Tuesday - depending on how the low loader wants to play it. Markheliops
  18. I travelled to Holland to buy the Ward La France. Saw it advertised in Milweb and went the next weekend. Collected it a month later. Purchased the 432 from War and Peace - as you are all aware. Series 3 FFR Land Rover from auto trader. A lot of stuff isn't actually for sale, until someone offers silly money for it. Exceptions are my Ward La France - never sell it. If someone offered the right money for the 432 or series 3, probably seriously think about letting it go. Hence I guess you can say a lot of selling is down to word of mouth. Markheliops
  19. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRIS. :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :dancinggirls: Markheliops
  20. Hi Steve. Welcome to the mad house. Those who are sane are not encouraged to participate, only stand back and snigger. Nice collection of vehicles - god knows how you manage to keep them all going. I have trouble with three. When I next see God - I'll ask him how you manage. :-D Markheliops
  21. It's great to see a wrecker doing what god intended them to to. Top pictures and top marks for effort. Rather you than me also springs to mind. :shake: Markheliops
  22. It has the name PIG for a reason ya know. :-D At least you got it home. It's better to get all the problems out in the open so you can see what you've got coming. I'm a great believer in driving a new purchase home so you find out all the pros and cons. Otherwise, you wouldn't have found out about the problems until you were making your way to your first show. Hope all goes well Adam and give us a picture. Markheliops
  23. A cast iron guarantee that my Ward La France won't break down again - ever. Set of new pads for the 432. Land Rover Series 3 bulk head. A Centurion ARV A 6ft blonde babe, who has shares in a pub and commercial garage repairers and who knows what a man wants!!! :thankyou: And oh yeah - PEACE ON EARTH Happy Chrimbo Markheliops
  24. Would love to Mark but I should be going on a low loader with the 432 unless I can't get both on in which case I will be driving the Ward. Let ya know nearer the date. Tootallmike will be driving his Ward to the event so you can probably meet up on the M25. Would be fun driving up there but low loader is my best option at the mo. Markheliops
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