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Everything posted by Markheliops

  1. Thanks for that Mike - totally forgot after the M25 mis-hap. You did forget something though - Before you start - ensure you have friends who are either silly enough or stupid enough to assist. Many thanks mate. Markheliops
  2. Happy Birthday Mark - Have a great day. Markheliops
  3. Happy Birthday Dave - Now you can tell people anything 118 118. Have a great day - maybe someone will buy you some new handcuffs or a baton. LOL. Markheliops
  4. Hi all. Many thanks for the messages and kind words - but hey - this is the forum so a bit of micky taking will be excepted and expected!!! Not sure why the engine went pear shaped Jack - perhaps it has something to do with my mis-behaving at Bunker Bash and yes Lee - the sneezing Ferret's did wake me up. I would suspect old age played a part in the saga - so watch out Dave Copper - any moment you may just stop working without warning. LOL. I am sure once the replacement engine has been installed we will have a look at the knackered engine just to be nosey. Priority is obviously to get the beast going again and worry about the other stuff later. Oh and the lady in the picture - what picture, er what lady, dunno what you are referring too. LOL. Keep you all updated. Markheliops
  5. Hi all. So, here we go again - yet another part to the long running saga which is - The Ward La France M1A1 Project. I will try to update with pictures as and when so bear with me. Quick recap - On way home from Bunker Bash on the M25 - lots of knocking then bang - truck stops and will not turn over. Yep, it's terminal. Intention is to replace the engine with another petrol engine I have as a spare - bl--dy good job and there was my ex saying - "why do you need another engine." In the winter I intend to replace the petrol engine with a diesel for no other reason than I need something more reliable and which will enable me to tow a 20 ton plant trailer loaded with a 432 on it. So the work begins. I will start this thread with three pictures of my pride and joy cause when I get peed off, I need to remember why I am doing it - Why do I do it - The Ward La France GRIN. Markheliops
  6. Yes please Tony as I think the Wards will be in there. Ta Markheliops
  7. Well done to Lee, Ian and the team - excellent weekend. The rain didn't dampen our spirits in The Ward La France (UK Branch) area. Me, the tall one and Grasshopper just found things to play with as you have seen by some of the pictures. Great to meet old and new faces from the forum. John and Pat, Mark, Neil, The Bunker Team, Tony, Snapper, John (CMV), Kyle, David (118-118) and his red beret sidekick Gorden and everyone else - Sorry for the noise Friday night - it was Mikes fault - I was okay on the beer till then. Only thing to get me down was my Ward. On route home the engine siezed on the M25. Going along quite happily then, knock, knock, knock - bang - stop. Many thanks Mike for tugging me off the motorway. Had to have low loader pick me up from Thurrock Services - finally got home at 0145hrs this morning. To say I am upset would be a serious under-statement. Yesterday I was ready to scrap the truck and chuck it all in. In the last 12 months the truck has been out 5 times and has broken down twice with terminal faults - and required other repairs the other times. Mike and I didn't finish replacing the gearbox until very late Thursday night before the Bunker Bash so after going through all that - the engine siezes. Still - today was a new day and after a chat with the tall one - we have planned a return for the Rugged Boys Wrecker at this years War and Peace Show. Plan is to fit another petrol engine and then look at a diesel conversion over the winter period. Must say huge thanks to Mike and Vince - if it wasn't for them I would have probably given up a long time ago - and still be stuck on a motorway somewhere. So fear not - the Rugged Boys Wrecker has not finished collecting awards or being silly in the mud. Watch this space for Ward La France M1A1 Restoration Project Part III. Markheliops
  8. The Ward Lafrance Owners Club (UK Branch) should be there in strengh - providing it's members can sort out my gearbox fault on the Ward Thursday!!! Should I have received something in the post for the Bunker Bash, entry tickets, etc or is it just turn up and pitch? If so, I haven't had anything arrive. Markheliops
  9. Jesus - how tall does Mike look - makes me and Vince look tiny. Still at leat we are standing on the 2 times award winning Ward La France - eh Mike. Markheliops
  10. Yes, it was us - May I say how honoured you must feel - I wish I could have seen it as well. Markheliops PS - It's nice to be recognised.
  11. Hi all. Just a quicky to say a massive thanks to Tony and the team. Excellent weekend. What more can I say. Top bloke David for doing the brekkies - apart from he wouldn't get his Landie dirty - he's the man. Thanks too to tootallmike and Grasshopper for sharing their home from home with me and making my guests most welcome. Nice to put faces to names from the forum. For me, over-joyed with the Ward's behaviour through the weekend. Gearbox has given up the ghost on the route back - oh well - at least I had loads of fun and yes, the WLF grin was still evident when Mike and Vince passed me by. Unfortunately won't be able to fix the WLF for the Bunker Bash, so I am probably out of it this year. Just received some news of a family death over the weekend so may not be on much for a while, so once again, thanks to everyone involved with the Plains Trip 2008. Bring it on for 2009. Markheliops PS. Who won the prize for spotting the smiles on the RTV convoy. I spotted .................... - can't remember but wow - weren't the vehicles shiney. LOL.
  12. Dave. Should be okay as long as I can get it on the back of the Ward - and keep it there. Markheliops
  13. Yeah right Mike. Let's see how fast you go towing a petrol WLF cause it broke down. Markheliops
  14. Hi all - We in the WLF owners club (UK Branch) have decided to drive up to the Plains on Friday. (let go of my arm tall one). Tony and the Plains crew have put lots of effort into the trip so we feel it fair to get butts into gear and drive up. I shall be slightly nervous - flashbacks of Bolero and all that) besides, who would be around to pull you all out of the mud. So David - breekies for me are down to 1 from 7. I shall have a spare seat in the Ward La France but co-drivers are expected to measure up to the entrance criteria of WLF owners. Anyone who feels they can make the grade feel free to chance their arm and show some real spit. ??? Markheliops
  15. Hi Tony. Stop fretting mate. It's not your fault and no blame is attached except to Jack because he didn't perform his sun dance enough. However this leaves me with little alternative but to cancel my joining the Plains trip. As you are aware, my friend and co-owner of the 432, Hans, was travelling all the way from Germany with his family to join the event and be able to use the 432 on the ranges. As there is no opportunity for this to now happen, I shall advise Hans there is little point in him coming. As we were sharing a low loader, I would now face having to pay for the low loader myself, which means I would have to pay out £900 plus fuel costs for the Ward - all in all, it makes a weekends fun a bit too expensive. As such, I will withdraw from the fun and frolics on the Plains. Bit gutted but on the bright side I have just saved myself a shed load of money. I hope all going have a great time and maybe next year. Many thanks to Tony and the rest of the Plains organisers for their sterling efforts. And as for Jack - get your a--e down to the gym and practice your sun dance for next year. Markheliops
  16. What do we do with the wrong ones sent Jack? Markheliops
  17. That Sir, is the kind of slur which will leave you stranded. Be sure to count the amount of stars on my American flag as I pass you by. Markheliops
  18. Hi all. Gravesham Council are holding a maritime Festival on Sunday 6th July. They are looking for military vehicles to take part. Lots of exhibitors such as sea cadets, RNLI, Port of London, Maritime Coastguard Agency and many other non-related maritime clubs, etc. Although the event is themed around the maritime world, it also encompasses many other military related areas. There will be a large grassed area to display your green pride and joy. Sorry, no tracked vehicles as it is a grass area. I am taking the Ward La France M1A1. It' s a free event and open to the public. For further details contact Lyndsey Thompson on lyndsey.thompson@gravesham.gov.uk or call her direct line on 01474 337442. Markheliops
  19. I don't use any in the Wards R22 Continental Jack. As previously stated - the mileage I cover doesn't warrant it. Markheliops
  20. Hi Neil As far as I have been informed - a holder of a provisional H cat will be perfectly legal to drive on L plates - can the Plains team confirm? Markheliops
  21. Markheliops - 7 brekkies please, Many thanks.
  22. Top banana. Christmas come early then. Looking forward to seeing the beast on the Plains. Markheliops
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