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R Cubed

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Everything posted by R Cubed

  1. Ahhh nice bit of kit those water heaters, we run ours on Paraffin can heat the whole bin of water to nearly boiling in about 40mins.
  2. Quite right, the bath often gets used to find pinpricks in 7.50x20 inner tubes works great, some times even need to bring in the compressor to inflate the tubes a bit more.
  3. sssssssshhhhhhhhhhh I only let her think she is the boss :undecided: Anyway got both telescope mounts off, repair of these to follow at a later date. In taking these off, one of the barrel pivot/sledge nuts needed removing, see pics below, These have succumbed to more action of the Greek gas axe. Size of thread appears to be 1 7/8" x 16 I will need two new ones or old uncut ones at least, does anybody have some nuts to possibly turn down to match or some new ones ?
  4. An update to this thread. This winter I will be stripping the gun right down to repair the remaining damaged parts caused by the Greek gas axes. Barrel will be removed to get the sledge off to be able to get the elevating arcs off so they can be repaired. all hydro/pneumatic recoil mech will be stripped and repaired, hopefully to return it to operational use. Both gun sight mounts will be stripped and thumb wheels repaired to working condition along with the bubble levels. Pics will follow soon once I start.
  5. well that may be the case but mine is still bigger than yours... na na
  6. Yeah Yeah soft skin V armour........ Well I am sure my 105mm Howitzer would punch some nice holes through all your tanks put together at a direct firing contest, at a greater range than you could reach me with those puny 76mm pea shooters :cool2: :cool2: :cool2: :cool2:
  7. :shocked: This does only seem to apply to new built trailers or shall we say "home built" as proper companies who make trailers to sell will have to comply.
  8. I have been talking to a friend of mine today about building trailers, and in his words, if you are going to build a trailer do it before the end of this year, it needs to be finished and on the road by the end of the year... As of next year ANY new trailers will have to have TYPE APPROVAL you will have to show stress calcs for the design, use approved nuts bolts and use approved equipment which will be fitted on the trailer as these bits then become part of the whole unit, this even includes the jockey wheel, it is kept for several weeks and will cost lots !!!! you all have been warned. This still applies to companies who make trailers too so they will just pass on the costs to the customer... This all sounds as this is the next step in more costs to the Vehicle user. Anyone heard any more about this?
  9. Ahh but boys are often stronger than the old man, you also need to be able to take a few hits too, so isnt Adrian B's tank better at receiving a hit or two than your M10 Yes I have got a wooden spoon.
  10. How fast would he have been going to do that then, it looks like a reasonable sweeping bend !
  11. Oh no is there a wine tanker too don't think I can carry enough now :cool2:
  12. Well here is an update to the on going engine rebuild. So I have got it all back together but wanted to build oil pressure before starting the engine so came up with this sneaky tool... Got some steel bar about foot long and 10mm in dia, on one end ground 2 flats opposite each other, like a screwdriver put this bar in a drill and the tip then fits in place of the distributor and engages with the oil pump drive, so turn drill this spins the oil pump and hey presto you get oil pressure without running the engine, he he he Will be carrying out road tests over the next few days.
  13. Yes, thanks for the heads up on the rad but I am already keeping an eye on it they are starting to crumble in places.
  14. Seen this type of tensioner on some modern vehicles, so fitting this now eliminates the use of a lump of wood to try and force the alternator away from the engine and at the same time using two hands to tighten up the tension bolt ...
  15. My pic of it is bigger but still cant read the street signs :cry:
  16. Seems a bit extreme to have a wooden crate of that size on such a big low loader and tractor unit like that !
  17. Well I have just about had enough of constantly tightening the fan belt on my GMC so I have improved the original design. Bit of tube and some stud with nuts to tighten and lock off, no GMC items have been harmed in this mod..
  18. An important note to remember is they only have one circuit so your brakes are only as good as the worst bit of pipe or hose........ It only takes one split and no brakes at all. Do it all now and don't worry for the next many years. Good luck
  19. Thought of you all, found this hope you like.
  20. Thought of the forum when I saw this pic. Any comments on where it is, what it would be carrying is this one still about, what is the white thing on the front wheel.
  21. aha.......... like this :cool2: Can you translate !!
  22. Hi Deadline thanks for all the input, I have been through all valve train from camshaft to valves, all the cam followers are nice and tight with no dishing on the cam lobe contact surface, they all lift up and down smoothly too, all push rods nice and straight, no play in the rocker arms, all valve guides are in very good condition most of the valves / guides have no or only just detectable lateral play so all is good there. Re seated all valves replaced two exhaust valves due to heads being slightly bent and faces being badly pitted, these were on cylinders No 3 and 4, the middle two and theses were the cylinders with lower compression pressures before the strip down. So just the tappets to sort out once the rocker shaft is back on. Had a good day today head is on and torqued down to correct setting, push rods fitted and block waterways flushed through with clean water.
  23. Hi Howard, I also have one of these, I don't know what they call portable about it, all steel and cast iron but will probably run forever... Anyway would you have a spare 3 pin plug which fits the remote start socket, or a complete lead ?
  24. Thanks for the offer, but one of the other forum members has come up with the goods and have now got it sorted out..
  25. Yes, I too use them good supplier of proper engineering stuff...
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