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Posts posted by rosie

  1. Guys this is brilliant. I was sat here the other day thinking how was I going to get a good mixture of views from a diverse group of males when I suddenly realized I had whole forum full of them!!!!!!!


    Thanks a million chaps, :kiss::kiss::kiss:

  2. PM sent Rosie.
    thanks Tony


    No problems at all here. Our nursery staff are great. During the summer, we were invited to a parents evening. Up to the age of two, we got a daily diary of food, nappy changes, play activities etc., and regular drawings to take home. Our key worker is available to talk to no problem. It's quite a small nursery, so staff to kid ratio is good which means that it is easy to find out what's been going on. I often pick my daughter up from nursery, and the staff are always chatty to me. If we both pick her up, there's no preference as to which parent is spoken to.


    So no issues at all.

    thanks very much JTJ, that sounds brilliant and sounds like you have a lovely setting for your child :-)


    Keep them coming guys

  3. would you be so kind as to answer a few questions for me?

    I am currently studying for my foundation degree in early years care and my current essay is 2500 words on working with parents and families and carers in the family context. I need to discuss barriers that men come across in the early years sector and would love your views

    for instance



    do fathers/step fathers/single fathers/grandads/uncles etc feel they get a poorer reception from staff at the childs nursery/preschool? If so why do you think this is?


    what could they do better?


    do you get any/enough information about your childs development at the setting? for instance, have you ever seen your childs learning jounal/learning journey? Have you ever been invited into the setting to talk to your childs keyworker? Do you know who your childs keyworker is????? Do you recieve a newsletter from the setting addressed to you (if you are seperated from the childs mother)?


    is there enough information out there for you guys? would you know where to go for support for you and your child? especially if you are a single dad?


    if your childs setting offered something like 'bring a man to school' day would you go? for either answer, why?



    If you have any other experiences or observations you would like to tell me about then please go ahead!


    If you dont feel like answering these questions on the open forum please pm me.


    MODS if this is not suitable then please delete (but I might cry!!!!!!)

  4. Hi all.


    I am more than happy to report after 20 hours of looking for my phone in the Chieftain engine bay - success has come to those who persist.


    I borrowed a scopie-thing from a friend of mine.


    I spent a couple of hours looking for it using the scope but had no success.


    Then Grasshopper and Nick paid me a visit to discuss painting options for the ARRV and stayed for a while.


    When they left I decided to have one more search before I wrote the phone off as I had to return the scope to my friend.


    Hey presto - there it was.




    You can just see the rear of the phone in the scope screen. What you can see is the camera lens and flash unit.


    I managed to re-locate the phone to where I could see it and get at it.




    I still couldn’t reach it but managed to use a drain rod and raise it just high enough to get hold of it.


    It was covered in oil and muck as the bottom of a Chieftain engine bay is not the cleanest of places as you can imagine.




    I’m even happier to report after a clean up and re-charge the phone is in full working order.


    I can now give it to the Naughty-Nurse as her phone has seen better days.


    I’m now happy as Larry. It’s not that the phone was expensive and I had already purchased another phone but I really do not like losing things - especially when I know where they are. If the phone had fallen into water I would have written it off as knackered but as I knew it was working it did pee me off that I couldn’t retrieve it.


    If you think that’s anal - you should see me when I lose a spanner - just ask Tootallmike!


    Well now it’s full steam ahead with the restoration of the Chieftain ARRV - without the in-built phone.


    If you are one of the 36 missed calls and 24 texts sent to my phone whilst in the engine bay - I'll get round to you eventually.



    well done Mark!!!!


    Did you knowyour full steam ahead leads to a tabard for sale???????Thats a bit odd

  5. Form all sorted Jack except I sent it and then realised payment was on same page:blush: so went back and paid after:-)

    Mother looking forward to it and wondered how her number 1 son was:kissoncheek: Ian.

    doh didnt think of that!!!! I have just don the same thing Jack, I have paid for me and the cubed one, cube-in-law and cube in law friend

    Hope you like the way I filled in the form again?!!!! Nut

  6. Jack,

    if there was going to be a stupid question it was bound to be from me............

    Just about to book Mrs G506 and I in using the form, do the two little g506lets need to be paid for? I dont want to leave them at home locked in the coal bunker, but times are hard............



    I was thinking the same today about the cubelets, so glad you asked!!!!!


    Thanks for the heads up and will make that clear on the site tomorrow but yes kiddies are free as long as they are under a week old :coffee:




    No seriously - 16 and under and free..........please do not try and wear a nappy to make you look underage - OK?!

    awwwwww thanks Jack xxxxx

    I will make sure they earn their keep one way or another!


    Not even on Saturday evening after too much cider?
    Oh I thought you put your mankini on at times like that? :-X :rofl: :beer:
  7. Thanks guys (apart from Jack!!) been a great day so far, all the children sang happy birthday, I have painted their faces for CiN day and now scoffing my face with chocolate cake!!!!!!!!!


    You wait Mr B I will get you at A&E................


    No tea for the cubed one, he did get a slobbery kiss though cos he has bought me a lovely shiny red laptop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    Love from Rosie x

  8. Thanks everyone!!!!!!:iloveyou: :kiss::kiss::kiss:


    As its children in need day tomorrow I am going to work in my pyjamas and having a jolly fun day with all the little tikes! This will include face painting, cake decorating (just finished making 4 batches of cakes!), pudsey mask making and loads more. :-D:-D:-D

  9. Anyone else going? The Cubes are joining a coach load of SOE club members fir a day trip there tomorrow. An early start (coach leaves at 7.30) I have a feeling the museum is free entry tomorrow and there will if course be a special remembrance service. Looking forward to it, not been up there for a couple of years.



    Love from Rosie x

  10. Hope I don't offend anyone here


    I sat the children down today just after 11 ( I had observed the 2 mins alone in the garden) I asked the children if they knew what was special about today, no one knew. I asked if any of them knew what this was-pointing to my poppy- one child called out it was a tomato!!!!! But most knew it was a poppy. (I work in a nursery school and the children in my area are 2-4years)

    One child said I was wearing a poppy to think about the dead soldiers. Another child told me later the special soldiers had saved the planet!


    The most heart stopping moment however was when a 3 year old sat down next to me and said that her dad was in London doing a special march for his friend who had died.

    We had no idea her dad is in the forces. Must admit I had a tear in my eye.



    Love from Rosie x

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