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Posts posted by rosie

  1. Thanks you guys means a lot, honest it does.

    Its been an odd day, lots of questions from my children, putting on a brave face for grandad, remembering the good times and trying not to remember her from last night.

    onwards and upwards though.


    Love you all :kiss::-)

  2. Different film but have to let you know, we recorded Guns of Navarone the other day and decided to watch it this afternoon, youngest cubelet who is 9 asked if we were watching that film called guns you have never owned! Made me cry with laughter!!!!!



    Love from Rosie x

  3. Happy New Year guys and girls

    I had a cracking party last night with lots of lovely friends and family, ate too much and drank more! Went to bed only to be woken at 2.20 by my grandmas neighbour to say she had collapsed. My mum and step dad were still out patying at another house. i got there and quickly realizerd there was not a lot I could do but the first responder worked hard for what seemed ages, the paramedic was soo understanding, the ambulance crew were comforting and the policeman (who I greeted at the door with-good god you are massive!) was a lovely gentle giant and the undertakers so carefull and respectful.

    yes sadly grandma didnt make it but she had good innings and was surrounded by her family at the end.

    On a night when people go out and have so much fun these guys have to deal with a family who have been thrown into turmoil very suddenly.

    Thanks to everyone and anyone who have had to deal with it. You all do a wonderful job with little or no recognition

  4. Wishing everyone and their families and friends, near and far, with us or departed a happy, peaceful and prosperous new year.

    Looking forward to the challenges of 2012



    Love from Rosie x

  5. the m74 trv and conqueror arv are most possibly going to make an appearance with both transporters will keep informed of progress


    That's what we like to hear!!!! Looking forward to it! X



    Love from Rosie x

  6. Merry Christmas to all on the forum, but please take a minute to spare a thought for the guys and girls who are out there playing the military game for real in Helmand and the like. Wish them a good christmas and a quiet new year


    I have been thinking how they are feeling today and how the partners, children and families and friends who are at home too. A small bit of compensation the military wives are at number one in the charts and not x factor. But yes, thanks guys and girls who are serving their country.



    Love from Rosie x

  7. Right that's it, all done. Just got in from midnight mass, presents put under tree, the jolly fellow has filled all the stockings

    Me and the cubed are currently sat in bed, him with a can of boddingtons me with my favourite charddy.

    Happy Christmas xxxxxxxxxxxxxx



    Love from Rosie x

  8. WOOP WOOP!!!!

    I must admit to missing each and every single one you over the last couple of nights, luge just isn't the same without you guys.

    Massive thanks to JN and JB you are the best, you must have been at it all day (Degs, down boy!)

    It's the best Christmas present so far xxxxxxxxx





    Love from Rosie x


    - what pillock started this place?!

    Hmmmmmm I do seem to remember some fuzzy haired chap who owned a 9 wheeled empty fueled 'mans' truck claimed that status..................................





    Love from Rosie x

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